- Nov 13, 2015
Graeme Stewart authored
Graeme Stewart authored
Graeme Stewart authored
Graeme Stewart authored
Graeme Stewart authored
Graeme Stewart authored
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* ITrigMuonStandaloneTrackTool: Add function needed for internal caching * TrigMuonToolInterfaces-00-00-20
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* src/TrigFTKUncertiantyTool.cxx: change to FTKTrack getHalfInvPt
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
2015-10-19 Johnny Raine <johnny.raine@cern.ch> * fixed compilation warning of unused parameter * tagged as TrigIDTPMonitor-00-01-02 2015-10-19 Johnny Raine <johnny.raine@cern.ch> * reduced number of histograms produced * tagged as TrigIDTPMonitor-00-01-01 2015-10-19 Johnny Raine <johnny.raine@cern.ch> * added TProfile efficiency histograms * modifed axes and fixed some plots * tagged as TrigIDTPMonitor-00-01-00 2015-10-19 Johnny Raine <johnny.raine@cern.ch> * consistently using probeTrack for filling 2D efficiency histograms 2015-10-15 Johnny Raine <johnny.raine@cern.ch> * fixed online running 2015-08-03 Johnny Raine <johnny.raine@cern.ch> ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* src/FTK_RDO_ReaderAlgo.cxx: add printing of vertex type 2015-08-26 John Baines <john.baines@stfc.ac.uk> * src/FTK_RDO_CreatorAlgo.cxx (SimToRaw): Fix invalid pixel warnings 2015-08-21 John Baines <john.baines@stfc.ac.uk> * src/FTK_RDO_CreatorAlgo.cxx (SimToRaw): Change ERROR to INFO level printing for validity check failures * src/FTK_RDO_ReaderAlgo.cxx (FTK_RDO_ReaderAlgo): add option to create VxVertex from FTK_RawTrack 2015-08-19 John Baines <john.baines@stfc.ac.uk> * src/FTK_RDO_CreatorAlgo.cxx: remove unused merging code and associated algorithm properties. 2015-08-07 John Baines <john.baines@stfc.ac.uk> * src/FTK_RDO_ReaderAlgo.cxx: Print list of collections in initialize ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* src/RingerFex.cxx: enable python configuration for calo layers. 2015-06-03 scott snyder <snyder@bnl.gov> * Tagging TrigT2CaloEgamma-00-01-47. * src/EgammaSamp1Fex.cxx: Avoid potential division by zero. 2015-06-02 scott snyder <snyder@bnl.gov> * Tagging TrigT2CaloEgamma-00-01-46. * Avoid clang warnings (remove unused declarations). * Tagging TrigT2CaloEgamma-00-01-45. * Avoid redundant divisions. 2015-03-29 scott snyder <snyder@bnl.gov> * Tagging TrigT2CaloEgamma-00-01-44. * Use ATH_MSG macros. 2015-03-06 Joao Victor da Fonseca Pinto <jodafons@cern.ch> ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* Merging of branch TrigTRTHighTHitCounter-00-00-26-01 to the trunk. * Tagged as TrigTRTHighTHitCounter-00-00-29 2015-09-11 Anthony Lionti <anthony.eric.lionti@cern.ch> * src/TrigTRTHTHCounter.cxx: Removing of the eta matching function and adding trig_phi output. * src/TrigTRTHTHhypo.cxx : Modified safety check. * Tagged as TrigTRTHighTHitCounter-00-00-28 2015-07-21 Anthony Lionti <anthony.eric.lionti@cern.ch> * src/TrigTRTHTHCounter.cxx: Remove the internal decoding from the TrigTRTHTHCounter and replace it by the algorithm TRT_RIO_Maker which is used by the ID trigger Requires TrigInDetConf-00-00-23 and a fix of the TriggerMenu * Tagged as TrigTRTHighTHitCounter-00-00-27
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* Correct fix for PV for IBL off * tag head to TrigT2HistoPrmVtx-00-01-11 2015-10-20 Lidija Zivkovic<Lidija.Zivkovic@cern.ch> * Fix for PV for IBL off * tag head to TrigT2HistoPrmVtx-00-01-10 2015-06-11 * Coverity fixes in head were not in tag 00-01-08 (latest tag to date) * tag head to TrigT2HistoPrmVtx-00-01-09
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* fixed xAODTrigPassBits test * TrigSteeringTest-01-00-42 week after come back to the future Tomasz Bold * added tests for TigPassBits and xAOD::TrigPassBits * TrigSteeringTest-01-00-41
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* src/SiTrigSPSeededTrackFinder.cxx (hltExecute): demote a debugging statement, ATR-11628, tagged as SiTrigSPSeededTrackFinder-00-04-50 * "timing histograms for monitored variables renamed" - missing Changelog entry for SiTrigSPSeededTrackFinder-00-04-49
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* cmt/requirements Specify required Boost components for cmake (transparent to CMT) * Tagged as FPTracker-00-00-19
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* cmt/requirements Specify required Boost components for cmake (transparent to CMT) * Tagged as ForwardTracker-00-05-01
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* fix obsolete variable, m_resetweight * tag as Sherpa_i-02-00-02
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* cmt/requirements, src/TileFCSmStepToTileHitVec.cxx - FCS_StepInfoCollection has moved from ISF_Event to ISF_FastCaloSimEvent, update includes and use statements accordingly. ATLASSIM-2006 * Tagging TileFastCaloSim-00-01-00
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* all jobOptions updated to make sure that ATLAS-CTB-01 geometry is used for testebeam simulation * share/sf_eta035.C renamed to tile_sf.C, old root macros removed * new parameter - RangeCut in jobOptions_TileTB_Sim.py to change range cut in Geant4 * jobOptions_TileTB_Sim_RTT.py updated * doc/mainpage.h: updated * TileSimEx-00-02-31 2015-10-24 Sanya Solodkov <solodkov@pcatl03.cern.ch> * small fine-tuning of jobOptions for testbeam simulation * now Eta/Theta/Phi/Z/Y as well as Ybeam/Zbeam/E can be set from command line * TileSimEx-00-02-30 2015-08-02 Siarhei Harkusha <Siarhei.Harkusha@cern.ch> * share/sf_eta035.C: added ROOT macro to calculate sampling fraction (provided by Sasha) * share/jobOptions_TileTB_Sim.py: adapted to be used in old and new athena release; added option TileUshape to set up Tile Ushape to be used; * share/jobOptions_Tile_Dig.py: adapted to new athena release; CBNTA ntuples replaced by new athena aware ntuples; ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* python/ISF_SimulationSelectorsConfig.py & ConfGetter DB: adding ISF_DefaultParametricSimulationSelector configuration (ATLASSIM-2310) * tagging as ISF_SimulationSelectors-00-03-01 2015-06-23 Elmar Ritsch <elmar.ritsch@cern.ch> * src/PileupSimSelector.cxx - now retrieving ISFParticle extraBarcode directly from ISFParticle instance, not from attached ParticleUserInformation object (goes with ISF_Event-00-08-03, see ATLASSIM-2263) * tagging as ISF_SimulationSelectors-00-03-00
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* src/EntryLayerTool.cxx: minor code style improvements (ATLASSIM-2263) * Tagging: ISF_Geant4CommonTools-00-03-08
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* python/TRT_G4_SDConfig.py - add support for Krypton-filled volumes for RUN2 geometries. ATLASSIM-2079 * src/TRTSensitiveDetector.h, src/TRTSensitiveDetector.cxx - add separate configutrations for volumes filled with Argon and Krypton. ATLASSIM-2079 * src/TRTSensitiveDetectorTool.cxx - set the verbosity level in the constructor. * Tagging: TRT_G4_SD-00-08-00 2015-09-25 John Chapman <John.Chapman@cern.ch> * src/TRTProcessingOfEndCapHits.cxx (TRTProcessingOfEndCapHits): Fix typo. ATLASSIM-2223 * Tagging: TRT_G4_SD-00-07-06
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
*tagging NSW_Sim-00-00-19 *added stations.v1.73.xml that includes MM readout side *symlink points to stations.v1.73.xml 2015-10-05 Jochen Meyer <jomeyer@mail.cern.ch> * tagging NSW_Sim-00-00-18 * added stations.v1.72.xml with dummy MM readout parameters * adjust symlink to stations.v1.72.xml
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
2015-10-16 Justin Griffiths <griffith AT cern.h> * tagging 01-00-04 add jetSeedPt flag
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* fix coverity errors 29457-60 * Tagged as InDetV0Finder-00-08-10 2015-05-06 Evelina Bouhova-Thacker <e.bouhova@cern.ch> * fix ElementLinks * Tagged as InDetV0Finder-00-08-09
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* Fix the AlignWrt.cxx * Tagged as InDetAlignGenAlgs-00-03-08 2015-03-01 Pawel Bruckman <pawel.bruckman.de.renstrom@cern.ch> * Adding ScalePixelIBL and ScalePixelDBM JO's * Scaling now acts on both random misalignments and global shifts
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* fix previously introduced bug in IBLbowing parameter * tag as InDetAlignDBTools-02-00-05
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* fix problem in creating xAOD vertex object * Tagged as InDetSecVxFinderTool-01-01-10
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* Fix coverity issue 13477 on SingleTrackConversionTool.cxx * tag as InDetConversionFinderTools-00-04-18 2015-03-20 Liron Barak <lironbarak83@gmail.com> * Clean and remove non used functions in VertexPointEstimator.cxx and VertexPointEstimator.h * tag as InDetConversionFinderTools-00-04-17
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* Fixed compiler warnings.
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* Fixed checkreq warning (linkopts for ROOT in public)
Atlas-Software Librarian authored