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  1. Jul 02, 2016
    • Attila Krasznahorkay's avatar
      Adding some missing libraries to link this package against (TBCnv-00-03-25) · f0faf240
      Attila Krasznahorkay authored
      2016-06-23 Attila Krasznahorkay <>
      	* Making the package link against the necessary tdaq-common
      	  libraries. To make it possible to turn on using -Wl,--no-undefined
      	  in the build.
      	* Removed the executable flag from all of the files in the package.
      	* Tagging as TBCnv-00-03-25
    • Charles Leggett's avatar
      fix storeName -> storeID translation (StoreGate-03-07-03) · 0dd45e35
      Charles Leggett authored
      	* fix storeName -> storeID translation to account for AthenaMT
      	  stores that have leading "{digits}_" (eg 0_StoreGateSvc_Impl),
      	  and use an initializer list
      	* tag StoreGate-03-07-03
      M       src/SGImplSvc.cxx
      2016-06-20  scott snyder  <>
      	* Tagging StoreGate-03-07-02.
      	* StoreGate/WriteHandle.h, StoreGate/WriteHandle.icc: Defer
      	locking an aux store until the WriteHandle is deleted.
      	* test/WriteHandle_test.cxx: Test the changes.
      	* StoreGate/SGtests.h, test/SGtests.cxx: Add testWriteAux().
      2016-06-20  Charles Leggett
      	* StoreGateSvc: added _SGXCALL for removeProxy(...) in hive
      	* tag StoreGate-03-07-01
      M       src/StoreGateSvc.cxx
      (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
    • Goetz Gaycken's avatar
      Fixed InDetPhysValMonitoring RTT. (InDetPhysValMonitoring-00-04-10-01) · c3ca0d48
      Goetz Gaycken authored
      	* Fixed InDetPhysValMonitoring RTT.
      2016-06-16  lmijovic
      	* finalizing xml migration for ITK histograms
      	* removing old ascii ITK histo definitions
      	* tagging as InDetPhysValMonitoring-00-04-10
      2016-06-06 Siinn Che
      	* Modified InDetPerfPlot_Pt to plot truth pt plots
      	* Added more fake rate plots and hit pattern plots for LRT
      2016-06-02 Shaun Roe
      	* Fix compilation warnings
      2016-06-02  lmijovic
      	* adding 1st iteration of xml histo definitions for ITk
      	* not yet activated by default
      2016-06-01 Max Baugh
      	* Added plot definitions to inDetPhysValMonitoringPlotDefinitions.hdef
      (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
    • Attila Krasznahorkay's avatar
      Disabled the use of -Wl,--no-undefined for this package (CheckerGccPlugins-00-02-03) · b5b4ca99
      Attila Krasznahorkay authored
      	* Explicitly disabled -Wl,--no-undefined for the linking of the
      	  checker_gccplugins library. As it can't be linked against all
      	  of the symbols that it uses.
      	* Tagging as CheckerGccPlugins-00-02-03
      2016-06-09  scott snyder  <>
      	* Tagging CheckerGccPlugins-00-02-02.
      	* Add a little extra output to the log files to try to figure out
      	why tests are failing in the cmt builds.
    • Attila Krasznahorkay's avatar
      Fixing the library dependencies of the package with CMake (PixelRawDataByteStreamCnv-00-02-37) · cf258b29
      Attila Krasznahorkay authored
      2016-06-22 Attila Krasznahorkay <>
      	* Updated the CMakeLists.txt file to correctly link the component
      	  library against xAODEventInfo.
      	* At the same time introduced an interface library for the headers
      	  of the package. So that its clients would be able to make use
      	  of it more cleanly later on.
      	* Removed the executable flag from the files of the package.
      	* Tagging as PixelRawDataByteStreamCnv-00-02-37
      2016-06-15 Steffen Maeland <>
      	* Merged PixelRawDataByteStreamCnv-00-02-34-02 into trunk
      	* Tagged as PixelRawDataByteStreamCnv-00-02-36
      2016-06-02 Mapo Giordani <mapo.giordani @>
      	* Patch to mitigate corrupted events + EventInfo
      	* Tagged as PixelRawDataByteStreamCnv-00-02-34-02
    • Attila Krasznahorkay's avatar
      Simplifying the CMake configuration of the package a little further (xAODMissingET-00-02-09) · 98fec1f7
      Attila Krasznahorkay authored
      	* After some more checking, it turned out that this package should
      	  not explicitly link against any ROOT libraries after all. The linking
      	  error was resolved by using a fixed version of xAODJet instead.
      	* Removed the unnecessary dependence on ROOT from the
      	  ut_edmTest test as well.
      	* Tagging as xAODMissingET-00-02-09
      2016-06-22 Attila Krasznahorkay <>
      	* Updated CMakeLists.txt to link the components of the package
      	  against all the libraries that they use. To be able to enable
      	  -Wl,--no-undefined in the nightlies.
      	* The CMake configuration now builds both unit tests of the package,
      	  and also the executable that was written for RootCore originally.
      	* For the latter to work, the executable's source file had to
      	  be modified a bit. Taking out everything from it that was not
      	* Tagging as xAODMissingET-00-02-08
    • Attila Krasznahorkay's avatar
      Fixing the library dependencies of the package (ByteStreamStoragePlugins-00-01-02) · 80f8bfdc
      Attila Krasznahorkay authored
      	* Updating the library dependencies of the package to build the
      	  libraries correctly with -Wl,--no-undefined turned on.
      	* The configuration now makes use of atlas_disable_as_needed()
      	  instead of tweaking compilation flags by hand.
      	* Tagging as ByteStreamStoragePlugins-00-01-02
    • Attila Krasznahorkay's avatar
    • Julie Kirk's avatar
      update el_ttbar samples (TrigInDetValidation-00-07-25) · 9dc4005a
      Julie Kirk authored
      	* change el_ttbar samples
      	* Tag TrigInDetValidation-00-07-25
      2016-06-07 sutt < sutt @ >
      	* TrigInDetValidation-00-07-24
      	* add jo path for TIDVLight function
      2016-06-03 sutt < sutt @ >
      	* TrigInDetValidation-00-07-23
      	* add cost monitoring monitorGlobals
      	* TrigInDetValidation-00-07-21
      	* Remove TDT and TestMonToolAC output level setting in
    • Stewart Martin-Haugh's avatar
      'Update CMakeLists.txt for TrigHLTJetHypoMon (ATR-14269)' (TrigHLTJetHypo-00-00-06) · cb5a00a7
      Stewart Martin-Haugh authored
      	* Tag TrigHLTJetHypo-00-00-06
      	* Update CMakeLists.txt for TrigHLTJetHypoMon (ATR-14269)
      2016-05-09   Peter Sherwood  <>
      	*  tagging TrigHLTJetHypo-00-00-05 (-00-00-04 contained
      	changes to do with online monitoring, and affected the
      	python config code)
      	* Added code to detect a  particle decaying to 4 jets via
      	2 particles each decaying to 2 jets.
      2016-05-09 Sebastien Prince <>
      	* Tag TrigHLTJetHypo-00-00-04
      	* Added class TrigHLTJetHypoMon inheriting from TrigHLTJetHypo and with AthenaMonTools enabled
      	* Defined monitoring histograms
    • Ruggero Turra's avatar
      disable problematic test (egammaLayerRecalibTool-00-02-08) · 5670760b
      Ruggero Turra authored
      	* disable problematic test due to path resolver
      	* tag egammaLayerRecalibTool-00-02-08
    • Ruggero Turra's avatar
      fix temperature run number (ElectronPhotonFourMomentumCorrection-00-02-11) · cb4f7fa6
      Ruggero Turra authored
      	* Fix bug in temperature extrapolation 2016 which was corrected
      	  only when run number was the one for run2 data. As usual we
      	  apply systematics on mc
      	* Tag ElectronPhotonFourMomentumCorrection-00-02-11
      2016-06-17 Ruggero Turra <>
      	* Fix temperature extrapolation 2016 (factor 100)
      	* Tag ElectronPhotonFourMomentumCorrection-00-02-10
    • Will Buttinger's avatar
      'fix ref counting and add firstEvent method to AthAnalysisAlgorithm'... · 02d029cb
      Will Buttinger authored
      'fix ref counting and add firstEvent method to AthAnalysisAlgorithm' (AthAnalysisBaseComps-00-00-20)
              * AthAnalysisHelper: addRef to created algorithms and tools, so that gaudi garbage collection
                    wont delete it (saw this problem when had a private toolhandle in an alg)
              * AthAnalysisAlgorithm: firstEvent method to fire before the first execute is fired (useful alternative to initialize method)
              * Tagging AthAnalysisBaseComps-00-00-20
      2016-06-08  scott snyder  <>
      	* Tagging AthAnalysisBaseComps-00-00-19.
      	* Comply with ATLAS naming conventions.  Fix gcc6 indentation
    • Andy Salnikov's avatar
      fix for digitization script; docs improvement (TrigSimTransforms-00-00-06) · bee29670
      Andy Salnikov authored
      	* Add command line options for BS output versions
      	* Add new script for merge step
      	* TrigSimTransforms-00-00-05
      2016-06-10 Andy Salnikov
      	* First somewhat-working three-step transform for Legacy Trigger
      	* Still very experimental, will do more cleaning and tag later
    • Zach Marshall's avatar
      Fixing coverity warning 108611 (LArG4H6SD-00-02-10) · e15ba64c
      Zach Marshall authored
      	* Tagging LArG4H6SD-00-02-10
      	* Fixing coverity warning 108611 (was missed previously?)
    • Peter Van Gemmeren's avatar
      First draft implementation of shared writer prototype (AthenaPoolCnvSvc-00-28-21) · c123b5e1
      Peter Van Gemmeren authored
      	* src/AthenaPoolCnvSvc.cxx: First draft implementation of shared
      	writer prototype, still needs some cleaning.
      	* tag AthenaPoolCnvSvc-00-28-21
    • Peter Van Gemmeren's avatar
      Implement updateRep and updateRepRefs to DataHeaderCnv_p5 (PersistentDataModelAthenaPool-00-02-05) · 3479e59f
      Peter Van Gemmeren authored
      	* DataHeaderCnv_p5: implement updateRep and updateRepRefs to update
      	self-reference and DataHeaderForm.
      	* tag PersistentDataModelAthenaPool-00-02-05
      	* DataHeaderCnv_p5: contain DataHeaderForm by pointer
    • Christos Anastopoulos's avatar
      Coverity and other small fixes (ElectronEfficiencyCorrection-00-01-62) · c2410dfe
      Christos Anastopoulos authored
      	* Tagging ElectronEfficiencyCorrection-00-01-62
      2016-06-19 Christos Anastopoulos <>
      	* Fix coverity
      	* Running "uncrustify" to beautify the if and for .
      	* Since we accept only one systematic at a time, return the moment it was found.
      	* Initialize the set of relevant systematic for the model only once in the initialize.
      2016-06-17 Christos Anastopoulos <>
      	* Fix cmt compilation issues
      	* Tagging ElectronEfficiencyCorrection-00-01-61
      2016-06-17  Kristin Lohwasser <>
              * Fix Full correlation to account for fabs(eta) binning
      	* improve eta looping
      (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
    • Goetz Gaycken's avatar
      Fix memory leak and checkreq warning. · 97881a4c
      Goetz Gaycken authored
      - fix checkreq warnings and adjusted CMakeLists accordingly,
      - fix memory leak caused by refit track collection. (TrkAmbiguityProcessor-01-00-14)
    • Charles Leggett's avatar
      added functionality for using VarHandleKeyArrays as properties of AthAlgs and... · deba939b
      Charles Leggett authored
      added functionality for using VarHandleKeyArrays as properties of AthAlgs and AthAlgTools (AthenaBaseComps-00-07-16)
      	* added funtionality to AthAlgorithm and AthAlgTool to use
      	  SG::VarHandleKeyArrays as properties, and do the automatic
      	  data dependency registration
      	* requires at least StoreGate-03-07-00
      	* tag AthenaBaseComps-00-07-16
      M       AthenaBaseComps/AthAlgTool.h
      M       AthenaBaseComps/AthAlgorithm.h
    • Jacob Alexander Searcy's avatar
      Add protection for clashes between smart slimming and Compulsory content... · a946413f
      Jacob Alexander Searcy authored
      Add protection for clashes between smart slimming and Compulsory content (DerivationFrameworkCore-00-03-37)
      	* Adding Protection against clashes in smart slimming lists and compulsory content
      	* Tagged as DerivationFrameworkCore-00-03-37
      2016-06-16 Jake Searcy <>
      	* Adding MET_Reference_AntiKt4EMPFlowCPContent list
      	* Tagged as DerivationFrameworkCore-00-03-36
      2016-06-15 Jake Searcu <>
      	* Giving control of Jet/Etmiss smart slimming lists back to Jet/Etmiss cp group
      	* Tagged as DerivationFrameworkCore-00-03-35
      2016-06-09 James Catmore <>
      	* Modifications to SlimmingHelper and DerivationFrameworkMaster to
      	support RAWtoAll
      	* Tagged as DerivationFrameworkCore-00-03-34
      2016-06-02 James Catmore <>
      	* Fixing path in TRIG1 definition
      (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
    • Attila Krasznahorkay's avatar
      Adding a collection proxy for xAOD::TrigPassBitsContainer (xAODTrigger-00-00-52) · 49b0fd6d
      Attila Krasznahorkay authored
      	* Added a collection proxy for xAOD::TrigPassBitsContainer. The
      	  lack of which produced some "semi-corrupt" files unfortunately.
      	* Tagging as xAODTrigger-00-00-52
      2016-05-03 Attila Krasznahorkay <>
      	* Taught the package how to build itself in standalone
      	  mode with CMake.
      	* Tagging as xAODTrigger-00-00-51
    • Marcelo Vogel's avatar
      Added output type NTUP_MUONCALIB to RAWtoALL (RecJobTransforms-02-00-05) · 9a78cba6
      Marcelo Vogel authored
      	* share/
      	- Add new output type NTUP_MUONCALIB
      	- Tagging RecJobTransforms-02-00-05
      2016-06-15 Marcelo Vogel <>
      	* share/
      	- Keep track parameters from first measurement in AOD merging (ATLASJT-324).
      	- Tagging RecJobTransforms-02-00-04
    • Marcelo Vogel's avatar
      Added output type NTUP_MUONCALIB to RAWtoALL (PyJobTransforms-03-00-12) · da0cedbf
      Marcelo Vogel authored
      	* python/
      	- Add new output type NTUP_MUONCALIB
              * Tagging PyJobTransforms-03-00-12
    • Attila Krasznahorkay's avatar
      Fixing the reading of xAOD::TrigPassBitsContainer from 'problematic files'... · 4e1576fa
      Attila Krasznahorkay authored
      Fixing the reading of xAOD::TrigPassBitsContainer from 'problematic files' (xAODTriggerAthenaPool-00-00-25)
      	* Added a custom POOL converter for xAOD::TrigPassBitsContainer.
      	  Which fixes the incorrect containers created by ROOT from older
      	  files. (Which were written without using a collection proxy
      	  for this container.)
      	* Cleaned the CMakeLists.txt file slightly.
      	* Tagging as xAODTriggerAthenaPool-00-00-25
    • Walter Lampl's avatar
      fix for RAWtoALL (DerivationFrameworkInDet-00-00-58) · 5a128cf3
      Walter Lampl authored
      	* fix for RAWtoALL
      	* tag DerivationFrameworkInDet-00-00-58
      2016-06-15 Jake Searcy
        * Fix Coverity errors and compiler warnings
        * Tagging DerivationFrameworkInDet-00-00-57
    • Jochen Meyer's avatar
      fix of BMG in NSW dictionary (IdDictParser-00-02-39) · 10a6c814
      Jochen Meyer authored
      	* Tagging IdDictParser-00-02-39.
      	* data/IdDictMuonSpectrometer_S.02.xml adjustment for BMGs
      2016-06-13  Jochen Meyer <>
      	* Tagging IdDictParser-00-02-38.
      	* data/IdDictMuonSpectrometer_R.03.xml fixing bug
      2016-06-10  Jochen Meyer <>
      	* Tagging IdDictParser-00-02-37.
      	* data/IdDictMuonSpectrometer_R.03.xml added for BMG chambers
    • Iain Bertram's avatar
      Modified how TRTDigitizationTool so that it does not create a standard vector... · 75f7af5d
      Iain Bertram authored
      Modified how TRTDigitizationTool so that it does  not create a standard vector for every straw but once per event.  [ATLASSIM-2655] Tagged as TRT_Digitization-01-02-02 (TRT_Digitization-01-02-02)
      	* Modified how TRTDigitizationTool so that it does
      	  not create a standard vector for every straw but once per event.
      	* [ATLASSIM-2655]
      	* Tagged as TRT_Digitization-01-02-02
    • Jochen Meyer's avatar
      fix of MM active layer position (MuonGeoModel-01-09-17) · c8d58004
      Jochen Meyer authored
      	* tagging MuonGeoModel-01-09-17
      	* fix in Micromegas.cxx for active layer position
      2016-06-14  Jochen Meyer  <>
      	* tagging MuonGeoModel-01-09-16
      	* adjusting foam thickness of BMG to 10mm in MultiLayer.cxx
      2016-06-11  Jochen Meyer  <>
      	* tagging MuonGeoModel-01-09-15
      	* attempt for BMG cutouts in Mdt.cxx, MultiLayer.cxx, MuonChamber.cxx
      2016-06-10  Jochen Meyer  <>
      	* tagging MuonGeoModel-01-09-14
      	* adjustment of MultiLayer.cxx for BMG foam
    • Attila Krasznahorkay's avatar
      Renaming CentOS builds from cc7 to centos7 (AtlasCMake-00-01-57) · 0a2a973a
      Attila Krasznahorkay authored
      	* Changed the "short name" of CentOS to "centos" from the
      	  previous "cc". As that's the new SFT convention.
      	* Tagging as AtlasCMake-00-01-57
      2016-06-15 Attila Krasznahorkay <>
      	* Removed the debugging message that I left in FindGaudi.cmake,
      	  while debugging why it wasn't picking up the right RPM version
      	  in the nightly. It wasn't causing any problems, was just printing
      	  an annoying message. (Which was highlighted a lot more by
      	* Tagging as AtlasCMake-00-01-56
      2016-06-13 Stewart Martin-Haugh <>
      	* Remove build flags already part of the C++14 standard (ATR-1086)
      	* Tagging as AtlasCMake-00-01-55
    • Attila Krasznahorkay's avatar
      Renaming CentOS builds from cc7 to centos7 (AtlasLCG-00-00-60) · 988f487c
      Attila Krasznahorkay authored
      	* Changed the "short name" of CentOS to "centos" from the
      	  previous "cc". As that's the new SFT convention.
      	* Tagging as AtlasLCG-00-00-60
      2016-06-03 Attila Krasznahorkay <>
      	* As it turned out, the previous code broke down when trying to
      	  generate environment setup files, while having included the
      	  package "with version 0". This should now work as well.
      	* Tagging as AtlasLCG-00-00-59
      2016-06-03 Attila Krasznahorkay <>
      	* Made it possible to make use of the modules of the package
      	  without actually setting up an LCG release. So that we could use
      	  the same find modules for looking up externals in standalone
      	  builds as well.
      	* Tagging as AtlasLCG-00-00-58
    • Jochen Meyer's avatar
      adjustment for mm_Tech (MuonAGDDBase-00-00-15) · 9967ac60
      Jochen Meyer authored
      	* tagging MuonAGDDBase-00-00-15
      	* adjustment for renaming of mm_Tech attributes in XML
    • Jochen Meyer's avatar
      adjustment for mm_Tech (MuonAGDDDescription-00-00-09) · ddaccb96
      Jochen Meyer authored
      	* Tagging MuonAGDDDescription-00-00-09
      	* adjustment for renaming of mm_Tech attributes in XML
    • Tatyana Kharlamova's avatar
      move inputs to afs for dev (OverlayMonitoringRTT-00-02-27) · 21b58fb9
      Tatyana Kharlamova authored
      	* test/OverlayMonitoringRTT_TestConfiguration.xml: move inputs from root://eosatlas//eos/atlas/atlascerngroupdisk/proj-sit/overlay/ to /afs/
      	* OverlayMonitoringRTT-00-02-27
      2016-06-07  Tanya Kharlamova <>
      	* test/OverlayMonitoringRTT_TestConfiguration.xml: correct typos from previous tag
      	* OverlayMonitoringRTT-00-02-26
      2016-06-07  Tanya Kharlamova <>
      	* test/OverlayMonitoringRTT_TestConfiguration.xml: fixes in MC15 pp chain with trigger on, ATLASSIM-2737
      	* OverlayMonitoringRTT-00-02-25
      2016-05-25  Tanya Kharlamova <>
      	* test/OverlayMonitoringRTT_TestConfiguration.xml: add MC15 pp chain with trigger on
      	* OverlayMonitoringRTT-00-02-24
    • Iain Bertram's avatar
      Rationalised the tests, removing many redundant sections to reduce resource... · 8eb4144b
      Iain Bertram authored
      Rationalised the tests, removing many redundant sections to reduce resource usage. Kept reference of tests in test/DigitizationTests_TestConfiguration_old.xml. [ATLASSIM-2901]  Tagging DigitizationTests-01-01-70. (DigitizationTests-01-01-70)
          * Rationalised the tests, removing many redundant sections to reduce resource usage.
          * Kept reference of tests in test/DigitizationTests_TestConfiguration_old.xml
          * [ATLASSIM-2901]
          * Tagging DigitizationTests-01-01-70
      2016-06-06 Iain Bertram <>
          * Added new set of reference files for 20.20 release
          * Tagging DigitizationTests-01-01-69
    • Ryan Mackenzie White's avatar
      patcorelib (TrigEgammaAnalysisTools-00-01-15) · 3f4ece16
      Ryan Mackenzie White authored
      	* CMake fix PatCoreLib
      	* TrigEgammaAnalysisTools-00-01-15
      2016-06-14 Ryan White <>
      	* Update bash script to new hcg
      	* Fix deprecation build warning
      	* TrigEgammaAnalysisTools-00-01-14
      2016-06-13 Ryan White <>
      	* Remove prescale check
      	* Coverity fixes
      	* TrigEgammaAnalysisTools-00-01-13
      2016-06-02 Ryan White <>
      	* Fix in file name
      	* TrigEgammaAnalysisTools-00-01-12
      2016-06-01 Ryan White <>
      	* Handle truncated events in tools
      	* Skip efficiency filling for Prescaled triggers
      (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
    • John Derek Chapman's avatar
      add src/CrabKissingVertexPositioner.h, src/CrabKissingVertexPositioner.cxx -... · 6696106c
      John Derek Chapman authored
      add src/CrabKissingVertexPositioner.h, src/CrabKissingVertexPositioner.cxx - based on code by Daniele Ruini. ATLASSIM-2395
      	* add src/GenEventBeamEffectBooster.h,
      	src/GenEventBeamEffectBooster.cxx - ISF version of
      	BeamEffectTransform. ATLASSIM-2395
      	* python/, python/ - add
      	CfgGetter method for CrabKissingVertexPositioner and
      	* src/components/BeamEffects_entries.cxx - add
      	CrabKissingVertexPositioner and GenEventBeamEffectBooster.
      	* add share directory with the following postOptions based on
      	those provided by Daniele Ruini:
      	vertex smearing disabled
      	rectangular bunches without crab kissing
      	rectangular bunches with crab kissing
      	gaussian bunches without crab kissing
      	gaussian bunches with crab kissing
      	* Tag as ISF_HepMC_Tools-00-07-00 (ISF_HepMC_Tools-00-07-00)
      2016-06-16  John Chapman  <>
      	* add src/CrabKissingVertexPositioner.h,
      	src/CrabKissingVertexPositioner.cxx - based on code by Daniele
      	Ruini. ATLASSIM-2395
      	* add src/GenEventBeamEffectBooster.h,
      	src/GenEventBeamEffectBooster.cxx - ISF version of
      	BeamEffectTransform. ATLASSIM-2395
      	* python/, python/ - add
      	CfgGetter method for CrabKissingVertexPositioner and
      	* src/components/BeamEffects_entries.cxx - add
      	CrabKissingVertexPositioner and GenEventBeamEffectBooster.
      	* add share directory with the following postOptions based on
      	those provided by Daniele Ruini:
      	vertex smearing disabled
      	rectangular bunches without crab kissing
      	rectangular bunches with crab kissing
      (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
    • Elmar Ritsch's avatar
      Remove unnecessary installed library for tests (ISF_Algorithms-00-03-08) · 1345d497
      Elmar Ritsch authored
      	* Remove unnecessary installed library for tests
      	* tag as ISF_Algorithms-00-03-08
    • Scott Snyder's avatar
      'Fix TrigNavigation dependency.' (DataModelTestDataRead-01-03-28) · 355b56b1
      Scott Snyder authored
      	* Tagging DataModelTestDataRead-01-03-28.
      	* CMakeLists.txt: Fix TrigNavigation dependency.
      2016-05-16  scott snyder  <>
      	* Tagging DataModelTestDataRead-01-03-27.
      	* src/xAODTestReadCVec.cxx: Print type of aux store.
      2016-04-19  scott snyder  <>
      	* Tagging DataModelTestDataRead-01-03-26.
      	* CMakeLists.txt: Fixes.
      2016-04-18  scott snyder  <>
      	* Tagging DataModelTestDataRead-01-03-25.
      	* Add HLTResultReader.  Break dump of cvec out of xAODTestRead
      	into xAODTestReadCVec.
    • Scott Snyder's avatar
      'Fix TrigNavigation dependency.' (DataModelTestDataWrite-01-03-26) · 2b7e9111
      Scott Snyder authored
      	* Tagging DataModelTestDataWrite-01-03-26.
      	* CMakeLists.txt: Fix TrigNavigation dependency.
      2016-04-19  scott snyder  <>
      	* Tagging DataModelTestDataWrite-01-03-25.
      	* CMakeLists.txt: Fixes.
      2016-04-18  scott snyder  <>
      	* Tagging DataModelTestDataWrite-01-03-24.
      	* src/HLTResultWriter.h: Fix comment.
      	* Tagging DataModelTestDataWrite-01-03-23.
      	* Add HLTResultWriter.  Break write of cvec out of xAODTestWrite
      	into xAODTestWriteCVec.