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Configuration of ATLAS Detector Description using ComponentAccumulator

Merged John Derek Chapman requested to merge jchapman/athena:CA_forIDGeoModel_master into master
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# Copyright (C) 2002-2018 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
# Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
from AthenaConfiguration.ComponentAccumulator import ComponentAccumulator
from AtlasGeoModel.GeoModelConfig import GeoModelCfg
from AtlasGeoModel.GeoModelConfig import GeoModelCfg
from MuonGeoModel.MuonGeoModelConf import MuonDetectorTool
from MuonIdHelpers.MuonIdHelpersConf import Muon__MuonIdHelperTool
from AGDD2GeoSvc.AGDD2GeoSvcConf import AGDDtoGeoSvc
from MuonAGDD.MuonAGDDConf import MuonAGDDTool, NSWAGDDTool
from StoreGate.StoreGateConf import StoreGateSvc
import os
def MuonGeoModelCfg(flags):
acc = ComponentAccumulator()
@@ -15,7 +18,35 @@ def MuonGeoModelCfg(flags):
detTool = MuonDetectorTool()
detTool.UseConditionDb = 1
detTool.UseIlinesFromGM = 1
detTool.UseIlinesFromGM = 1
if ( ( not flags.Detector.SimulateMuon or flags.Detector.OverlayMuon ) and "AthSimulation_DIR" not in os.environ ):
# Needs configuration from MuonSpectrometer/MuonReconstruction/MuonRecExample/python/ to be migrated
#detTool.TheMuonAlignmentTool = "MuonAlignmentDbTool/MGM_AlignmentDbTool"
detTool.TheMuonAlignmentTool = ""
detTool.UseConditionDb = 0
detTool.UseAsciiConditionData = 0
if flags.Detector.SimulateMuon:
detTool.FillCacheInitTime = 0
if flags.GeoModel.Run=="RUN3" or flags.GeoModel.Run=="RUN4":
MuonDetectorTool.StationSelection = 2
MuonDetectorTool.SelectedStations = [ "EIL1", "EIL2", "EIL6", "EIL7",
"EIS*", "EIL10", "EIL11", "EIL12",
"EIL17", "CSS*", "CSL*", "T4E*",
"T4F*" ]
## Additional material in the muon system
AGDD2Geo = AGDDtoGeoSvc()
muonAGDDTool = MuonAGDDTool("MuonSpectrometer", BuildNSW=False)
AGDD2Geo.Builders += [ muonAGDDTool ]
if flags.GeoModel.Run=="RUN3" or flags.GeoModel.Run=="RUN4":
nswAGDDTool = NSWAGDDTool("NewSmallWheel", Locked=False)
nswAGDDTool.Volumes = ["NewSmallWheel"]
nswAGDDTool.DefaultDetector = "Muon"
gms.DetectorTools += [ detTool ]