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New configuration system for jet reconstruction -- take 2

Merged Teng Jian Khoo requested to merge khoo/athena:master-JetRecConfig-CA into master
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# Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
def declareDefaultTools():
from JetRecConfig.JetRecFlags import jetFlags
from JetRecConfig.JetRecStandardToolManager import jtm
from MCTruthClassifier.MCTruthClassifierConf import MCTruthClassifier
from JetRec.JetRecConf import PseudoJetGetter
from ParticleJetTools.ParticleJetToolsConf import Analysis__JetQuarkLabel
jtm.haveParticleJetTools = True
jtm.haveParticleJetTools = False
if jtm.haveParticleJetTools:
from ParticleJetTools.ParticleJetToolsConf import Analysis__JetConeLabeling
from ParticleJetTools.ParticleJetToolsConf import Analysis__JetPartonTruthLabel
from ParticleJetTools.ParticleJetToolsConf import CopyTruthJetParticles
from ParticleJetTools.ParticleJetToolsConf import ParticleJetDeltaRLabelTool
ghostScaleFactor = 1e-40
# Truth selection.
if jetFlags.useTruth:
truthClassifier = MCTruthClassifier(name = "JetMCTruthClassifier",
jtm += truthClassifier
jtm += CopyTruthJetParticles("truthpartcopy", OutputName="JetInputTruthParticles",
jtm += CopyTruthJetParticles("truthpartcopywz", OutputName="JetInputTruthParticlesNoWZ",
# Truth.
if jetFlags.useTruth and jtm.haveParticleJetTools:
# ParticleJetTools tools may be omitted in analysi releases.
#ift jtm.haveParticleJetTools:
# Delta-R truth parton label: truthpartondr.
jtm += Analysis__JetQuarkLabel(
McEventCollection = "TruthEvents"
jtm += Analysis__JetConeLabeling(
JetTruthMatchTool = jtm.jetquarklabel
# Parton truth label.
jtm += Analysis__JetPartonTruthLabel("partontruthlabel")
# Cone matching for B, C and tau truth for all but track jets.
jtm += ParticleJetDeltaRLabelTool(
LabelName = "HadronConeExclTruthLabelID",
DoubleLabelName = "HadronConeExclExtendedTruthLabelID",
BLabelName = "ConeExclBHadronsFinal",
CLabelName = "ConeExclCHadronsFinal",
TauLabelName = "ConeExclTausFinal",
BParticleCollection = "TruthLabelBHadronsFinal",
CParticleCollection = "TruthLabelCHadronsFinal",
TauParticleCollection = "TruthLabelTausFinal",
PartPtMin = 5000.0,
JetPtMin = 0.0,
DRMax = 0.3,
MatchMode = "MinDR"
# Cone matching for B, C and tau truth for track jets.
jtm += ParticleJetDeltaRLabelTool(
LabelName = "HadronConeExclTruthLabelID",
DoubleLabelName = "HadronConeExclExtendedTruthLabelID",
BLabelName = "ConeExclBHadronsFinal",
CLabelName = "ConeExclCHadronsFinal",
TauLabelName = "ConeExclTausFinal",
BParticleCollection = "TruthLabelBHadronsFinal",
CParticleCollection = "TruthLabelCHadronsFinal",
TauParticleCollection = "TruthLabelTausFinal",
PartPtMin = 5000.0,
JetPtMin = 4500.0,
DRMax = 0.3,
MatchMode = "MinDR"
jtm += PseudoJetGetter(
Label = "Truth",
InputContainer = jtm.truthpartcopy.OutputName,
OutputContainer = "PseudoJetTruth",
GhostScale = 0.0,
SkipNegativeEnergy = True,
jtm += PseudoJetGetter(
Label = "TruthWZ",
InputContainer = jtm.truthpartcopywz.OutputName,
OutputContainer = "PseudoJetTruthWZ",
GhostScale = 0.0,
SkipNegativeEnergy = True,
jtm += PseudoJetGetter(
Label = "GhostTruth",
InputContainer = jtm.truthpartcopy.OutputName,
OutputContainer = "PseudoJetGhostTruth",
GhostScale = ghostScaleFactor,
SkipNegativeEnergy = True,
# Truth flavor tags.
for ptype in jetFlags.truthFlavorTags():
jtm += PseudoJetGetter(
"gtruthget_" + ptype,
InputContainer = "TruthLabel" + ptype,
Label = "Ghost" + ptype,
OutputContainer = "PseudoJetGhost" + ptype,
SkipNegativeEnergy = True,
GhostScale = ghostScaleFactor,