Disabled the MSonly chain monitoring to avoid exception (temporary)
As mentioned in ATR-19435, we would like to disable the monitoting on MSonly trigger to avoid the exception from HLTMuonMonTool::fillChainDQA()
. This change should be temporary.
Tried RunTier0Tests.py
with asetup Athena,master,latest
. The reference job with q221 failed at the ESDtoAOD step, but the test job was successful due to this fix. So, this is reasonable thing. (the purpose of this MR) The jobs with q443 were all successful.
Log files:
test: /afs/cern.ch/work/y/ynoguchi/public/dqmon/OfflineDQ/ATR-19435/tier0test/RunTier0Tests.log
reference: /afs/cern.ch/work/y/ynoguchi/public/dqmon/OfflineDQ/ATR-19435/tier0test/clean_run_q221_2d9ec54f-e967-4ef6-97bb-1797ceda4a4e/log.ESDtoAOD
test: RunTier0Tests.log.txt
reference: reference_q221_log.ESDtoAOD.txt