21.2 exot2pfjets 2019 02 15
EXOT2 addition that includes PFlow jets as a smartslimming container, with b-tagging and pT association.
Size is 1.08% of the ART data18 AOD after these changes, compared to 0.9% before.
ARTs pass with
PyJobTransforms.main 2019-03-06 12:12:30,359 INFO /cvmfs/atlas-nightlies.cern.ch/repo/sw/21.2/2019-03-06T0018/AthDerivation/ stopped at Wed Mar 6 12:12:30 2019, trf exit code 0 art-result: 0 merge art-result: 0 checkfile art-result: 0 checkxAOD
Edited by Eric Edward Corrigan