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HIGG3D3 Update

David Richard Shope requested to merge dshope/athena:HIGG3D3-Update into 21.2

This MR makes the following updates to the HIGG3D3 derivation format:

  • Update algorithm sequences such that heavy lifting only happens after the skimming procedure
  • Add TRUTH3 contents
  • Switch from AntiKt4TruthWZJets to AntiKt4TruthDressedWZJets
  • Remove AntiKt4LCTopoJets
  • Add PFlow jets, along with associated btagging
  • Add additional track thinning
  • Remove the preservation of descendants to the selection particle types in TruthParticle container
  • Add DFCommonMuonsPreselection variable to muon skim requirements
  • Update trigger list, including new 2017+2018 single lepton triggers
  • Remove prescale for dijet DSIDs (to have enough statistics to assess flavour composition)
  • Change overall prescaling from 9 to 5

The net result of all of these changes is a slight increase in the total format size. However, since this format is only used for fake estimation from a dijet sample (and so much fewer DSIDs are considered compared to HIGG3D1), the total size is expected to remain comfortably below the total size of HIGG3D1.

Slides with more detail were presented in one of the recent HWW plenary meetings:

Edited by David Richard Shope

Merge request reports
