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Adding photon, jet, b-jets to TMMT

Catrin Bernius requested to merge bernius/athena:fromScratch into master

Description in short: MR to move jet, photon and b-jet code to TMMT (ATR-19689, ATR-19690, ATR-19688).

What has been done in this order:

  • In agreement with Fernando Monticelli, disabled step3 (precisionCalo) for all electron chains in ElectronDef => affects runMenuTest => runMenuTest reference updated

  • Moved photons to TriggerMenuMT: photon chain added to menu and running ok, runMenuTest reference updated ==> Tagging @fernando, @thrynova and @dbakshig (please also see the jet comments below!)

  • Moved jets to TriggerMenuMT: tagging @peter, @khoo , @ckaldero

    • Note: one chain not possible to migrate: HLT_5j70_0eta240_L14J15' with L1Seed set to ’L1_J20' in fullMenu test => For now changed name to HLT_5j70_0eta240_L14J15. Tagging also @fpastore and @tbold
    • Change of decision counts in egamma chains when jets run as well (by 1 count for the 2nd step)
      ==> runMenuTest reference updated, will follow this issue up on jira.
  • Moved B-jets to TriggerMenuMT: tagging @cvarni and @sekula

  • Added fix for duplicated imports of TopoCluster (seen problems in !22852 (closed)) and for CacheCreator algorithms (see also ATR-19703); related to @tbold’s MR !22944 (merged) to address the problem with the CacheCreators.

  • Re-added imports in LVL1MenuConfig files, they are used in exec functions and therefore needed (had been removed in !22888 (merged))

Edited by Catrin Bernius

Merge request reports
