Adding jet chains for trigger validation upgrade test of menu ATR-19511
Implementing the configurations for and running of a list of diverse jet chains in TrigUpgradeTest for MT trigger menu validation.
list of test chains added:
- HLT_j420_L1J20
- HLT_j260_320eta490_L1J20
- HLT_j460_a10_lcw_subjes_L1J20
- HLT_j460_a10r_L1J20
- HLT_3j200_L1J20
- HLT_5j70_0eta240_L1J20
Updates to JetRecConfig: allow user setting of constituent container name, minor modifications to function names.
Bug fix in xAODJet: adding of "Jet" as known constituent type.
TrigUpgradeTest expanded and reworked into something more configurable.
Updated reference files in TrigUpgradeTest:
- full_menu_build.ref -> change in egamma reference counts, which we suspect is expected, tagging related JIRA ATR-19704 for confirmation.
- slice_jet.ref -> count changes for previously existing jet chains HLT_j45 and j85 as former set-up ran on uncalibrated jets.
tests run
- ctest
- TrigUpgradeTest
Tested in Athena master release 2019-05-05T2136 (after major rewrite of TrigUpgradeTest).
test results
- /afs/
Edited by Claire Antel