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ATR-17320, adding CEP L1Topo items for exclusive jets

Heather Russell requested to merge hrussell/athena:TM-ATR17320 into 21.3

ATR-17320 - three new L1Topo items (no HLT changes for now)


l1menu/ define the three new items

l1menu/ add the three new L1Topo thresholds, items, and items - ctpid mappings

l1topomenu/ add the thresholds to some free L1Topo output bits. Rearranged some of the newly added thresholds that were not in order, so it is easier in the future to see which bits are free. note: I don't think there are many free thresholds left...


  • define the sorted CJs lists
  • define a special CJs.ETA21 eta-restricted CJs list
  • define the l1topo thresholds with the ET threshold 50 or 60 GeV, and MinXi = 0.02, MaxXi = 0.05 as suggested in the ATR-17320.

ART test is running, turns out that there's a reason that the 1000 event grid tests are run on the grid. Do we really need to test with these? it's going to take hours! In any case, it's 25 events in and there are no crashes yet. Will update here with results if and when it ever completes...

cheers, Heather

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