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Moving taus to TMMT, moving files used in Electron & Photon directories (new JO) to TMMT

Catrin Bernius requested to merge bernius/athena:tautoTMMT into master
  • Moving taus to TMMT (see changes for the involved files), ATR-19692 => problem when running TriggerMenuMT_generateMenuMT_ctest, will be followed up in ATR-19692 and a separate MR. For now commented out the tau chains in LS2_v1 until this fix is in. Tagging @carquin and tau convenors @guindon and @malconad for information and help. Full log file from tests can be found here: /afs/

  • Also moving files from TUT to TMMT that are used in the Electron and Photon directory which is so far only for the new JO dev by @tbold (ATR-19690, ATR-19303), also tag to @fpastore who had mentioned it on the jira ATR-19303.

Edited by Catrin Bernius

Merge request reports