Try to avoid some TRT-alone extrapolations : ATLASRECTS-4581
requested to merge ATLAS-EGamma/athena:TRT_are_calo_seeded_so_no_need_to_reextrapolate_andCheck into master
Mentiong @rnaranjo
The idea is that in principle TRT-alone are already calo seeded so this selection does nott reduce much ... namely
13:30:42 egammaSelectedTrackCopy INFO --- All Clusters: #=59953
13:30:42 egammaSelectedTrackCopy INFO --- Selected Clusters: #=2943
13:30:42 egammaSelectedTrackCopy INFO --- All Tracks: #=78264
13:30:42 egammaSelectedTrackCopy INFO --- Selected Tracks: #=15265
13:30:42 egammaSelectedTrackCopy INFO --- All Si Tracks: #=66050
13:30:42 egammaSelectedTrackCopy INFO --- Selected Si Tracks: #=4039
13:30:42 egammaSelectedTrackCopy INFO --- All TRT Tracks: #=12214
13:30:42 egammaSelectedTrackCopy INFO --- Selected TRT Tracks: #=11226
In the other hand the code could easily end up doing a few 1000s extrapolation for TRT. Since the selection is not really applicable try to no do these extrapolations.
Edited by Christos Anastopoulos