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WIP: Decorate common variables for electrons, muons, MET

Tadej Novak requested to merge tadej/athena:analysis/decor into 21.2

As a follow-up from my email, this is a proposal what I had in mind. There are (luckily few) cases where the decoration is not directly available, but it might be useful to write the variable out in the ntuples to be directly able to make 4-vectors, plot distributions, etc.

Some of the cases that we personally use are:

  • calo cluster eta for electrons and photons (usually used for fakes)
  • muon mass (hardcoded in the code, needed for completion)
  • some derived met variables
  • some tau variables (TBD)

For now I used existing algorithms to decorate that. Let me know if that is acceptable or if you prefer independent algorithms.

/cc @akraszna, @krumnack, @jburr, @khoo

Merge request reports
