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[ATR-19881] [ATR-19253] Further MT Trigger Feature Access

Tim Martin requested to merge tamartin/athena:TrigDecToolR3FeatureWork into master
  • Adds std::lock_guard to CacheGlobalMemory to provide (some) thread safety.
  • Remove tab indentation

  • Add feature access in MT trigger for objects which fail a given chain.
  • Add to API named trigger collections (not in the backend yet)
  • Navigation exploration unit test updated
  • Bugfix in menu steer EventInfoAux was not being written to output

Some updates to legacy Trigger Monitoring code. Note: none of this has yet been tested at runtime, only compile time. Named-feature-containers interface is place, but this is not yet honoured by the call.

This is work towards M3.5

The old interface has not yet been removed, for a while we will need to run the R2 and R3 interfaces in parallel.

  • Trigger/TrigMonitoring/TrigMuonMonitoring/src/MuFastMon.cxx is updated with code blocks for the new feature retrieval format. Ping MU (@nakahama, @markowen, @sshaw)

  • Trigger/TrigMonitoring/TrigBphysMonitoring/src/HLTXAODBphysMonTool.cxx is updated with code blocks for the new feature retrieval format. Missing are the explicit combinatoric loop, muon features. Ping BPh (@abarton, @jakoubek, @hrussell, @tursom)

  • Trigger/TrigMonitoring/TrigTauMonitoring/src/HLTTauMonTool.cxx is updated in multiple places to use new feature retrieval. Ping TAU (@malconad, @guindon)

  • Trigger/TrigMonitoring/TrigJetMonitoring/src/HLTJetMonTool.cxx is updated to use new feature retrieval. Ping JET (@jbossios @khoo)

Edited by Tim Martin

Merge request reports
