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Add VR jets to TOPQ4 and remove soft-drop jets

Knut Zoch requested to merge kzoch/athena:TOPQ4-updates into 21.2

This MR follows the discussion in TOPQDERIV-79 and makes the following changes:

  • Removal of AntiKt10LCTopoCSSKSoftDropBeta100Zcut10 containers from all TOPQ derivations, as these jets are currently not calibrated correctly. They might be re-added once the calibrations are ready to be used.
  • Addition of AntiKtVR30Rmax4Rmin02TrackJets to TOPQ4 format. These had already been added to TOPQ1, but this is now also done for TOPQ4.

Changes were tested against the latest AthDerivation nightlies and the xAOD content looks as expected (for TOPQ1, where the soft-drop jets had been present, and for TOPQ4 with the added VR jets).

Merge request reports
