From 1738515ecacd9d2d57236d252a456af52735f0e0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Nils Krumnack <>
Date: Sat, 22 Jun 2019 11:49:10 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 1/7] merge algorithm test code between EventLoop and Athena

So far the algorithm test sequence was duplicated between EventLoop
and Athena.  Keeping them in sync was needlessly error-prone, so I now
merged them.
 .../python/       | 174 ++++++++++++++++++
 .../share/        |  44 +----
 .../share/   |  45 +----
 .../share/      | 145 +--------------
 .../share/ | 143 +-------------
 5 files changed, 190 insertions(+), 361 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 PhysicsAnalysis/Algorithms/AsgAnalysisAlgorithms/python/

diff --git a/PhysicsAnalysis/Algorithms/AsgAnalysisAlgorithms/python/ b/PhysicsAnalysis/Algorithms/AsgAnalysisAlgorithms/python/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..3640921d33a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PhysicsAnalysis/Algorithms/AsgAnalysisAlgorithms/python/
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+# @author Nils Krumnack
+# @author Tadej Novak
+from AnaAlgorithm.AlgSequence import AlgSequence
+from AnaAlgorithm.DualUseConfig import createAlgorithm
+def makeOverlapSequence (dataType) :
+    algSeq = AlgSequence()
+    # Skip events with no primary vertex:
+    algSeq += createAlgorithm( 'CP::VertexSelectionAlg',
+                               'PrimaryVertexSelectorAlg' )
+    algSeq.PrimaryVertexSelectorAlg.VertexContainer = 'PrimaryVertices'
+    algSeq.PrimaryVertexSelectorAlg.MinVertices = 1
+    # Set up the systematics loader/handler algorithm:
+    algSeq += createAlgorithm( 'CP::SysListLoaderAlg', 'SysLoaderAlg' )
+    algSeq.SysLoaderAlg.sigmaRecommended = 1
+    # Include, and then set up the pileup analysis sequence:
+    from AsgAnalysisAlgorithms.PileupAnalysisSequence import \
+        makePileupAnalysisSequence
+    pileupSequence = makePileupAnalysisSequence( dataType )
+    pileupSequence.configure( inputName = 'EventInfo', outputName = 'EventInfo' )
+    algSeq += pileupSequence
+    # Include, and then set up the electron analysis sequence:
+    from EgammaAnalysisAlgorithms.ElectronAnalysisSequence import \
+        makeElectronAnalysisSequence
+    electronSequence = makeElectronAnalysisSequence( dataType, 'LooseLHElectron.GradientLoose',
+                                                     recomputeLikelihood = True )
+    electronSequence.configure( inputName = 'Electrons',
+                                outputName = 'AnalysisElectrons_%SYS%' )
+    algSeq += electronSequence
+    # Include, and then set up the photon analysis sequence:
+    from EgammaAnalysisAlgorithms.PhotonAnalysisSequence import \
+        makePhotonAnalysisSequence
+    photonSequence = makePhotonAnalysisSequence( dataType, 'Tight.FixedCutTight', recomputeIsEM = True )
+    photonSequence.configure( inputName = 'Photons',
+                              outputName = 'AnalysisPhotons_%SYS%' )
+    algSeq += photonSequence
+    # Include, and then set up the muon analysis algorithm sequence:
+    from MuonAnalysisAlgorithms.MuonAnalysisSequence import makeMuonAnalysisSequence
+    muonSequence = makeMuonAnalysisSequence( dataType, 'Tight.Iso' )
+    muonSequence.configure( inputName = 'Muons',
+                            outputName = 'AnalysisMuons_%SYS%' )
+    algSeq += muonSequence
+    # Include, and then set up the jet analysis algorithm sequence:
+    jetContainer = 'AntiKt4EMTopoJets'
+    from JetAnalysisAlgorithms.JetAnalysisSequence import makeJetAnalysisSequence
+    jetSequence = makeJetAnalysisSequence( dataType, jetContainer )
+    jetSequence.configure( inputName = jetContainer,
+                           outputName = 'AnalysisJets_%SYS%' )
+    algSeq += jetSequence
+    # Include, and then set up the tau analysis algorithm sequence:
+    from TauAnalysisAlgorithms.TauAnalysisSequence import makeTauAnalysisSequence
+    tauSequence = makeTauAnalysisSequence( dataType, 'Tight' )
+    tauSequence.configure( inputName = 'TauJets',
+                           outputName = 'AnalysisTauJets_%SYS%' )
+    algSeq += tauSequence
+    # Include, and then set up the overlap analysis algorithm sequence:
+    from AsgAnalysisAlgorithms.OverlapAnalysisSequence import \
+        makeOverlapAnalysisSequence
+    overlapSequence = makeOverlapAnalysisSequence( dataType )
+    overlapSequence.configure(
+        inputName = {
+            'electrons' : 'AnalysisElectrons_%SYS%',
+            'photons'   : 'AnalysisPhotons_%SYS%',
+            'muons'     : 'AnalysisMuons_%SYS%',
+            'jets'      : 'AnalysisJets_%SYS%',
+            'taus'      : 'AnalysisTauJets_%SYS%' },
+        outputName = {
+            'electrons' : 'AnalysisElectronsOR_%SYS%',
+            'photons'   : 'AnalysisPhotonsOR_%SYS%',
+            'muons'     : 'AnalysisMuonsOR_%SYS%',
+            'jets'      : 'AnalysisJetsOR_%SYS%',
+            'taus'      : 'AnalysisTauJetsOR_%SYS%' },
+        affectingSystematics = {
+            'electrons' : electronSequence.affectingSystematics(),
+            'photons'   : photonSequence.affectingSystematics(),
+            'muons'     : muonSequence.affectingSystematics(),
+            'jets'      : jetSequence.affectingSystematics(),
+            'taus'      : tauSequence.affectingSystematics() } )
+    algSeq += overlapSequence
+    # Set up an ntuple to check the job with:
+    treeMaker = createAlgorithm( 'CP::TreeMakerAlg', 'TreeMaker' )
+    treeMaker.TreeName = 'particles'
+    algSeq += treeMaker
+    ntupleMaker = createAlgorithm( 'CP::AsgxAODNTupleMakerAlg', 'NTupleMaker' )
+    ntupleMaker.TreeName = 'particles'
+    ntupleMaker.Branches = [
+        'EventInfo.runNumber   -> runNumber',
+        'EventInfo.eventNumber -> eventNumber',
+        'AnalysisElectrons_%SYS%.eta -> el_%SYS%_eta',
+        'AnalysisElectrons_%SYS%.phi -> el_%SYS%_phi',
+        '  -> el_%SYS%_pt',
+        'AnalysisElectronsOR_%SYS%.eta -> el_OR_%SYS%_eta',
+        'AnalysisElectronsOR_%SYS%.phi -> el_OR_%SYS%_phi',
+        '  -> el_OR_%SYS%_pt',
+        'AnalysisPhotons_%SYS%.eta -> ph_%SYS%_eta',
+        'AnalysisPhotons_%SYS%.phi -> ph_%SYS%_phi',
+        '  -> ph_%SYS%_pt',
+        'AnalysisPhotonsOR_%SYS%.eta -> ph_OR_%SYS%_eta',
+        'AnalysisPhotonsOR_%SYS%.phi -> ph_OR_%SYS%_phi',
+        '  -> ph_OR_%SYS%_pt',
+        'AnalysisMuons_%SYS%.eta -> mu_%SYS%_eta',
+        'AnalysisMuons_%SYS%.phi -> mu_%SYS%_phi',
+        '  -> mu_%SYS%_pt',
+        'AnalysisMuonsOR_%SYS%.eta -> mu_OR_%SYS%_eta',
+        'AnalysisMuonsOR_%SYS%.phi -> mu_OR_%SYS%_phi',
+        '  -> mu_OR_%SYS%_pt',
+        'AnalysisJets_%SYS%.eta -> jet_%SYS%_eta',
+        'AnalysisJets_%SYS%.phi -> jet_%SYS%_phi',
+        '  -> jet_%SYS%_pt',
+        'AnalysisJetsOR_%SYS%.eta -> jet_OR_%SYS%_eta',
+        'AnalysisJetsOR_%SYS%.phi -> jet_OR_%SYS%_phi',
+        '  -> jet_OR_%SYS%_pt',
+        'AnalysisTauJets_%SYS%.eta -> tau_%SYS%_eta',
+        'AnalysisTauJets_%SYS%.phi -> tau_%SYS%_phi',
+        '  -> tau_%SYS%_pt',
+        'AnalysisTauJetsOR_%SYS%.eta -> tau_OR_%SYS%_eta',
+        'AnalysisTauJetsOR_%SYS%.phi -> tau_OR_%SYS%_phi',
+        '  -> tau_OR_%SYS%_pt' ]
+    ntupleMaker.systematicsRegex = '.*'
+    algSeq += ntupleMaker
+    treeFiller = createAlgorithm( 'CP::TreeFillerAlg', 'TreeFiller' )
+    treeFiller.TreeName = 'particles'
+    algSeq += treeFiller
+    return algSeq
+def makeEventAlgorithmsSequence (dataType) :
+    # Config:
+    GRLFiles = ['GoodRunsLists/data16_13TeV/20180129/data16_13TeV.periodAllYear_DetStatus-v89-pro21-01_DQDefects-00-02-04_PHYS_StandardGRL_All_Good_25ns.xml']
+    algSeq = AlgSequence()
+    # Set up the systematics loader/handler algorithm:
+    algSeq += createAlgorithm( 'CP::SysListLoaderAlg', 'SysLoaderAlg' )
+    algSeq.SysLoaderAlg.sigmaRecommended = 1
+    # Include, and then set up the pileup analysis sequence:
+    from AsgAnalysisAlgorithms.EventSelectionAnalysisSequence import \
+        makeEventSelectionAnalysisSequence
+    eventSelectionSequence = \
+        makeEventSelectionAnalysisSequence( dataType, userGRLFiles=GRLFiles )
+    algSeq += eventSelectionSequence
+    # Set up an ntuple to check the job with:
+    treeMaker = createAlgorithm( 'CP::TreeMakerAlg', 'TreeMaker' )
+    treeMaker.TreeName = 'events'
+    algSeq += treeMaker
+    ntupleMaker = createAlgorithm( 'CP::AsgxAODNTupleMakerAlg', 'NTupleMaker' )
+    ntupleMaker.TreeName = 'events'
+    ntupleMaker.Branches = [
+        'EventInfo.runNumber   -> runNumber',
+        'EventInfo.eventNumber -> eventNumber',
+        ]
+    ntupleMaker.systematicsRegex = '.*'
+    algSeq += ntupleMaker
+    treeFiller = createAlgorithm( 'CP::TreeFillerAlg', 'TreeFiller' )
+    treeFiller.TreeName = 'events'
+    algSeq += treeFiller
+    return algSeq
diff --git a/PhysicsAnalysis/Algorithms/AsgAnalysisAlgorithms/share/ b/PhysicsAnalysis/Algorithms/AsgAnalysisAlgorithms/share/
index 9442ce1df183..e2f4929de9a2 100755
--- a/PhysicsAnalysis/Algorithms/AsgAnalysisAlgorithms/share/
+++ b/PhysicsAnalysis/Algorithms/AsgAnalysisAlgorithms/share/
@@ -52,47 +52,9 @@ job = ROOT.EL.Job()
 job.sampleHandler( sh )
 job.options().setDouble( ROOT.EL.Job.optMaxEvents, 500 )
-# Config:
-GRLFiles = ['GoodRunsLists/data16_13TeV/20180129/data16_13TeV.periodAllYear_DetStatus-v89-pro21-01_DQDefects-00-02-04_PHYS_StandardGRL_All_Good_25ns.xml']
-# Import(s) needed for the job configuration.
-from AnaAlgorithm.AlgSequence import AlgSequence
-from AnaAlgorithm.DualUseConfig import createAlgorithm
-# Set up the main analysis algorithm sequence.
-algSeq = AlgSequence( 'AnalysisSequence' )
-# Set up the systematics loader/handler algorithm:
-algSeq += createAlgorithm( 'CP::SysListLoaderAlg', 'SysLoaderAlg' )
-algSeq.SysLoaderAlg.sigmaRecommended = 1
-# Include, and then set up the pileup analysis sequence:
-from AsgAnalysisAlgorithms.EventSelectionAnalysisSequence import \
-    makeEventSelectionAnalysisSequence
-eventSelectionSequence = \
-    makeEventSelectionAnalysisSequence( dataType, userGRLFiles=GRLFiles )
-algSeq += eventSelectionSequence
-# Set up an ntuple to check the job with:
-treeMaker = createAlgorithm( 'CP::TreeMakerAlg', 'TreeMaker' )
-treeMaker.TreeName = 'events'
-algSeq += treeMaker
-ntupleMaker = createAlgorithm( 'CP::AsgxAODNTupleMakerAlg', 'NTupleMaker' )
-ntupleMaker.TreeName = 'events'
-ntupleMaker.Branches = [
-    'EventInfo.runNumber   -> runNumber',
-    'EventInfo.eventNumber -> eventNumber',
-ntupleMaker.systematicsRegex = '.*'
-algSeq += ntupleMaker
-treeFiller = createAlgorithm( 'CP::TreeFillerAlg', 'TreeFiller' )
-treeFiller.TreeName = 'events'
-algSeq += treeFiller
-# For debugging.
-print( algSeq )
-# Add all algorithms from the sequence to the job.
+from AsgAnalysisAlgorithms.AsgAnalysisAlgorithmsTest import makeEventAlgorithmsSequence
+algSeq = makeEventAlgorithmsSequence (dataType)
+print algSeq # For debugging
 for alg in algSeq:
     job.algsAdd( alg )
diff --git a/PhysicsAnalysis/Algorithms/AsgAnalysisAlgorithms/share/ b/PhysicsAnalysis/Algorithms/AsgAnalysisAlgorithms/share/
index 51ff6adecae4..11d48f64c18c 100644
--- a/PhysicsAnalysis/Algorithms/AsgAnalysisAlgorithms/share/
+++ b/PhysicsAnalysis/Algorithms/AsgAnalysisAlgorithms/share/
@@ -17,48 +17,9 @@ theApp.EvtMax = 500
 testFile = os.getenv ( inputfile[dataType] )
 svcMgr.EventSelector.InputCollections = [testFile]
-# Config:
-GRLFiles = ['GoodRunsLists/data16_13TeV/20180129/data16_13TeV.periodAllYear_DetStatus-v89-pro21-01_DQDefects-00-02-04_PHYS_StandardGRL_All_Good_25ns.xml']
-# Import(s) needed for the job configuration.
-from AnaAlgorithm.AlgSequence import AlgSequence
-from AnaAlgorithm.DualUseConfig import createAlgorithm
-# Set up the main analysis algorithm sequence.
-algSeq = AlgSequence( 'AnalysisSequence' )
-# Set up the systematics loader/handler algorithm:
-algSeq += createAlgorithm( 'CP::SysListLoaderAlg', 'SysLoaderAlg' )
-algSeq.SysLoaderAlg.sigmaRecommended = 1
-# Include, and then set up the pileup analysis sequence:
-from AsgAnalysisAlgorithms.EventSelectionAnalysisSequence import \
-    makeEventSelectionAnalysisSequence
-eventSelectionSequence = \
-    makeEventSelectionAnalysisSequence( dataType, userGRLFiles=GRLFiles )
-algSeq += eventSelectionSequence
-# Set up an ntuple to check the job with:
-treeMaker = createAlgorithm( 'CP::TreeMakerAlg', 'TreeMaker' )
-treeMaker.TreeName = 'events'
-algSeq += treeMaker
-ntupleMaker = createAlgorithm( 'CP::AsgxAODNTupleMakerAlg', 'NTupleMaker' )
-ntupleMaker.TreeName = 'events'
-ntupleMaker.Branches = [
-    'EventInfo.runNumber   -> runNumber',
-    'EventInfo.eventNumber -> eventNumber',
-ntupleMaker.systematicsRegex = '.*'
-algSeq += ntupleMaker
-treeFiller = createAlgorithm( 'CP::TreeFillerAlg', 'TreeFiller' )
-treeFiller.TreeName = 'events'
-algSeq += treeFiller
-# For debugging.
-print( algSeq )
-# Add all algorithms from the sequence to the job.
-athAlgSeq += algSeq
+from AsgAnalysisAlgorithms.AsgAnalysisAlgorithmsTest import makeEventAlgorithmsSequence
+algSeq = makeEventAlgorithmsSequence (dataType)
+print algSeq # For debugging
 # Set up a histogram output file for the job:
 ServiceMgr += CfgMgr.THistSvc()
diff --git a/PhysicsAnalysis/Algorithms/AsgAnalysisAlgorithms/share/ b/PhysicsAnalysis/Algorithms/AsgAnalysisAlgorithms/share/
index 0516d4249453..9e84437af87f 100755
--- a/PhysicsAnalysis/Algorithms/AsgAnalysisAlgorithms/share/
+++ b/PhysicsAnalysis/Algorithms/AsgAnalysisAlgorithms/share/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python
-# Copyright (C) 2002-2018 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+# Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
 # @author Nils Krumnack
@@ -52,147 +52,14 @@ job = ROOT.EL.Job()
 job.sampleHandler( sh )
 job.options().setDouble( ROOT.EL.Job.optMaxEvents, 500 )
-# Import(s) needed for the job configuration.
-from AnaAlgorithm.AlgSequence import AlgSequence
-from AnaAlgorithm.DualUseConfig import createAlgorithm
-# Set up the main analysis algorithm sequence.
-algSeq = AlgSequence( 'AnalysisSequence' )
-# Skip events with no primary vertex:
-algSeq += createAlgorithm( 'CP::VertexSelectionAlg',
-                           'PrimaryVertexSelectorAlg' )
-algSeq.PrimaryVertexSelectorAlg.VertexContainer = 'PrimaryVertices'
-algSeq.PrimaryVertexSelectorAlg.MinVertices = 1
-# Set up the systematics loader/handler algorithm:
-algSeq += createAlgorithm( 'CP::SysListLoaderAlg', 'SysLoaderAlg' )
-algSeq.SysLoaderAlg.sigmaRecommended = 1
-# Include, and then set up the pileup analysis sequence:
-from AsgAnalysisAlgorithms.PileupAnalysisSequence import \
-    makePileupAnalysisSequence
-pileupSequence = makePileupAnalysisSequence( dataType )
-pileupSequence.configure( inputName = 'EventInfo', outputName = 'EventInfo' )
-algSeq += pileupSequence
-# Include, and then set up the electron analysis sequence:
-from EgammaAnalysisAlgorithms.ElectronAnalysisSequence import \
-    makeElectronAnalysisSequence
-electronSequence = makeElectronAnalysisSequence( dataType, 'LooseLHElectron.GradientLoose',
-                                                 recomputeLikelihood = True )
-electronSequence.configure( inputName = 'Electrons',
-                            outputName = 'AnalysisElectrons_%SYS%' )
-algSeq += electronSequence
-# Include, and then set up the photon analysis sequence:
-from EgammaAnalysisAlgorithms.PhotonAnalysisSequence import \
-    makePhotonAnalysisSequence
-photonSequence = makePhotonAnalysisSequence( dataType, 'Tight.FixedCutTight', recomputeIsEM = True )
-photonSequence.configure( inputName = 'Photons',
-                          outputName = 'AnalysisPhotons_%SYS%' )
-algSeq += photonSequence
-# Include, and then set up the muon analysis algorithm sequence:
-from MuonAnalysisAlgorithms.MuonAnalysisSequence import makeMuonAnalysisSequence
-muonSequence = makeMuonAnalysisSequence( dataType, 'Tight.Iso' )
-muonSequence.configure( inputName = 'Muons',
-                        outputName = 'AnalysisMuons_%SYS%' )
-algSeq += muonSequence
-# Include, and then set up the jet analysis algorithm sequence:
-jetContainer = 'AntiKt4EMTopoJets'
-from JetAnalysisAlgorithms.JetAnalysisSequence import makeJetAnalysisSequence
-jetSequence = makeJetAnalysisSequence( dataType, jetContainer )
-jetSequence.configure( inputName = jetContainer,
-                       outputName = 'AnalysisJets_%SYS%' )
-algSeq += jetSequence
-# Include, and then set up the tau analysis algorithm sequence:
-from TauAnalysisAlgorithms.TauAnalysisSequence import makeTauAnalysisSequence
-tauSequence = makeTauAnalysisSequence( dataType, 'Tight' )
-tauSequence.configure( inputName = 'TauJets',
-                       outputName = 'AnalysisTauJets_%SYS%' )
-algSeq += tauSequence
-# Include, and then set up the overlap analysis algorithm sequence:
-from AsgAnalysisAlgorithms.OverlapAnalysisSequence import \
-    makeOverlapAnalysisSequence
-overlapSequence = makeOverlapAnalysisSequence( dataType )
-    inputName = {
-      'electrons' : 'AnalysisElectrons_%SYS%',
-      'photons'   : 'AnalysisPhotons_%SYS%',
-      'muons'     : 'AnalysisMuons_%SYS%',
-      'jets'      : 'AnalysisJets_%SYS%',
-      'taus'      : 'AnalysisTauJets_%SYS%' },
-    outputName = {
-      'electrons' : 'AnalysisElectronsOR_%SYS%',
-      'photons'   : 'AnalysisPhotonsOR_%SYS%',
-      'muons'     : 'AnalysisMuonsOR_%SYS%',
-      'jets'      : 'AnalysisJetsOR_%SYS%',
-      'taus'      : 'AnalysisTauJetsOR_%SYS%' },
-    affectingSystematics = {
-      'electrons' : electronSequence.affectingSystematics(),
-      'photons'   : photonSequence.affectingSystematics(),
-      'muons'     : muonSequence.affectingSystematics(),
-      'jets'      : jetSequence.affectingSystematics(),
-      'taus'      : tauSequence.affectingSystematics() } )
-algSeq += overlapSequence
-# Set up an ntuple to check the job with:
-treeMaker = createAlgorithm( 'CP::TreeMakerAlg', 'TreeMaker' )
-treeMaker.TreeName = 'particles'
-algSeq += treeMaker
-ntupleMaker = createAlgorithm( 'CP::AsgxAODNTupleMakerAlg', 'NTupleMaker' )
-ntupleMaker.TreeName = 'particles'
-ntupleMaker.Branches = [
-    'EventInfo.runNumber   -> runNumber',
-    'EventInfo.eventNumber -> eventNumber',
-    'AnalysisElectrons_%SYS%.eta -> el_%SYS%_eta',
-    'AnalysisElectrons_%SYS%.phi -> el_%SYS%_phi',
-    '  -> el_%SYS%_pt',
-    'AnalysisElectronsOR_%SYS%.eta -> el_OR_%SYS%_eta',
-    'AnalysisElectronsOR_%SYS%.phi -> el_OR_%SYS%_phi',
-    '  -> el_OR_%SYS%_pt',
-    'AnalysisPhotons_%SYS%.eta -> ph_%SYS%_eta',
-    'AnalysisPhotons_%SYS%.phi -> ph_%SYS%_phi',
-    '  -> ph_%SYS%_pt',
-    'AnalysisPhotonsOR_%SYS%.eta -> ph_OR_%SYS%_eta',
-    'AnalysisPhotonsOR_%SYS%.phi -> ph_OR_%SYS%_phi',
-    '  -> ph_OR_%SYS%_pt',
-    'AnalysisMuons_%SYS%.eta -> mu_%SYS%_eta',
-    'AnalysisMuons_%SYS%.phi -> mu_%SYS%_phi',
-    '  -> mu_%SYS%_pt',
-    'AnalysisMuonsOR_%SYS%.eta -> mu_OR_%SYS%_eta',
-    'AnalysisMuonsOR_%SYS%.phi -> mu_OR_%SYS%_phi',
-    '  -> mu_OR_%SYS%_pt',
-    'AnalysisJets_%SYS%.eta -> jet_%SYS%_eta',
-    'AnalysisJets_%SYS%.phi -> jet_%SYS%_phi',
-    '  -> jet_%SYS%_pt',
-    'AnalysisJetsOR_%SYS%.eta -> jet_OR_%SYS%_eta',
-    'AnalysisJetsOR_%SYS%.phi -> jet_OR_%SYS%_phi',
-    '  -> jet_OR_%SYS%_pt',
-    'AnalysisTauJets_%SYS%.eta -> tau_%SYS%_eta',
-    'AnalysisTauJets_%SYS%.phi -> tau_%SYS%_phi',
-    '  -> tau_%SYS%_pt',
-    'AnalysisTauJetsOR_%SYS%.eta -> tau_OR_%SYS%_eta',
-    'AnalysisTauJetsOR_%SYS%.phi -> tau_OR_%SYS%_phi',
-    '  -> tau_OR_%SYS%_pt' ]
-ntupleMaker.systematicsRegex = '.*'
-algSeq += ntupleMaker
-treeFiller = createAlgorithm( 'CP::TreeFillerAlg', 'TreeFiller' )
-treeFiller.TreeName = 'particles'
-algSeq += treeFiller
-# For debugging.
-print( algSeq )
-# Add all algorithms from the sequence to the job.
-for alg in algSeq:
+from AsgAnalysisAlgorithms.AsgAnalysisAlgorithmsTest import makeOverlapSequence
+algSeq = makeOverlapSequence (dataType)
+print algSeq # For debugging
+for alg in algSeq :
     job.algsAdd( alg )
 # Set up an output file for the job:
 job.outputAdd( ROOT.EL.OutputStream( 'ANALYSIS' ) )
diff --git a/PhysicsAnalysis/Algorithms/AsgAnalysisAlgorithms/share/ b/PhysicsAnalysis/Algorithms/AsgAnalysisAlgorithms/share/
index 74ef215612dd..5ae88bd73113 100644
--- a/PhysicsAnalysis/Algorithms/AsgAnalysisAlgorithms/share/
+++ b/PhysicsAnalysis/Algorithms/AsgAnalysisAlgorithms/share/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2002-2018 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+# Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
 # @author Nils Krumnack
@@ -17,144 +17,9 @@ theApp.EvtMax = 500
 testFile = os.getenv ( inputfile[dataType] )
 svcMgr.EventSelector.InputCollections = [testFile]
-# Import(s) needed for the job configuration.
-from AnaAlgorithm.AlgSequence import AlgSequence
-from AnaAlgorithm.DualUseConfig import createAlgorithm
-# Set up the main analysis algorithm sequence.
-algSeq = AlgSequence( 'AnalysisSequence' )
-# Skip events with no primary vertex:
-algSeq += createAlgorithm( 'CP::VertexSelectionAlg',
-                           'PrimaryVertexSelectorAlg' )
-algSeq.PrimaryVertexSelectorAlg.VertexContainer = 'PrimaryVertices'
-algSeq.PrimaryVertexSelectorAlg.MinVertices = 1
-# Set up the systematics loader/handler algorithm:
-algSeq += createAlgorithm( 'CP::SysListLoaderAlg', 'SysLoaderAlg' )
-algSeq.SysLoaderAlg.sigmaRecommended = 1
-# Include, and then set up the pileup analysis sequence:
-from AsgAnalysisAlgorithms.PileupAnalysisSequence import \
-    makePileupAnalysisSequence
-pileupSequence = makePileupAnalysisSequence( dataType )
-pileupSequence.configure( inputName = 'EventInfo', outputName = 'EventInfo' )
-algSeq += pileupSequence
-# Include, and then set up the electron analysis sequence:
-from EgammaAnalysisAlgorithms.ElectronAnalysisSequence import \
-    makeElectronAnalysisSequence
-electronSequence = makeElectronAnalysisSequence( dataType, 'LooseLHElectron.GradientLoose',
-                                                 recomputeLikelihood = True )
-electronSequence.configure( inputName = 'Electrons',
-                            outputName = 'AnalysisElectrons_%SYS%' )
-algSeq += electronSequence
-# Include, and then set up the photon analysis sequence:
-from EgammaAnalysisAlgorithms.PhotonAnalysisSequence import \
-    makePhotonAnalysisSequence
-photonSequence = makePhotonAnalysisSequence( dataType, 'Tight.FixedCutTight', recomputeIsEM = True )
-photonSequence.configure( inputName = 'Photons',
-                          outputName = 'AnalysisPhotons_%SYS%' )
-algSeq += photonSequence
-# Include, and then set up the muon analysis algorithm sequence:
-from MuonAnalysisAlgorithms.MuonAnalysisSequence import makeMuonAnalysisSequence
-muonSequence = makeMuonAnalysisSequence( dataType, 'Tight.Iso' )
-muonSequence.configure( inputName = 'Muons',
-                        outputName = 'AnalysisMuons_%SYS%' )
-algSeq += muonSequence
-# Include, and then set up the jet analysis algorithm sequence:
-jetContainer = 'AntiKt4EMTopoJets'
-from JetAnalysisAlgorithms.JetAnalysisSequence import makeJetAnalysisSequence
-jetSequence = makeJetAnalysisSequence( dataType, jetContainer )
-jetSequence.configure( inputName = jetContainer,
-                       outputName = 'AnalysisJets_%SYS%' )
-algSeq += jetSequence
-# Include, and then set up the tau analysis algorithm sequence:
-from TauAnalysisAlgorithms.TauAnalysisSequence import makeTauAnalysisSequence
-tauSequence = makeTauAnalysisSequence( dataType, 'Tight' )
-tauSequence.configure( inputName = 'TauJets',
-                       outputName = 'AnalysisTauJets_%SYS%' )
-algSeq += tauSequence
-# Include, and then set up the overlap analysis algorithm sequence:
-from AsgAnalysisAlgorithms.OverlapAnalysisSequence import \
-    makeOverlapAnalysisSequence
-overlapSequence = makeOverlapAnalysisSequence( dataType )
-    inputName = {
-      'electrons' : 'AnalysisElectrons_%SYS%',
-      'photons'   : 'AnalysisPhotons_%SYS%',
-      'muons'     : 'AnalysisMuons_%SYS%',
-      'jets'      : 'AnalysisJets_%SYS%',
-      'taus'      : 'AnalysisTauJets_%SYS%' },
-    outputName = {
-      'electrons' : 'AnalysisElectronsOR_%SYS%',
-      'photons'   : 'AnalysisPhotonsOR_%SYS%',
-      'muons'     : 'AnalysisMuonsOR_%SYS%',
-      'jets'      : 'AnalysisJetsOR_%SYS%',
-      'taus'      : 'AnalysisTauJetsOR_%SYS%' },
-    affectingSystematics = {
-      'electrons' : electronSequence.affectingSystematics(),
-      'photons'   : photonSequence.affectingSystematics(),
-      'muons'     : muonSequence.affectingSystematics(),
-      'jets'      : jetSequence.affectingSystematics(),
-      'taus'      : tauSequence.affectingSystematics() } )
-algSeq += overlapSequence
-# Set up an ntuple to check the job with:
-treeMaker = createAlgorithm( 'CP::TreeMakerAlg', 'TreeMaker' )
-treeMaker.TreeName = 'particles'
-algSeq += treeMaker
-ntupleMaker = createAlgorithm( 'CP::AsgxAODNTupleMakerAlg', 'NTupleMaker' )
-ntupleMaker.TreeName = 'particles'
-ntupleMaker.Branches = [
-    'EventInfo.runNumber   -> runNumber',
-    'EventInfo.eventNumber -> eventNumber',
-    'AnalysisElectrons_%SYS%.eta -> el_%SYS%_eta',
-    'AnalysisElectrons_%SYS%.phi -> el_%SYS%_phi',
-    '  -> el_%SYS%_pt',
-    'AnalysisElectronsOR_%SYS%.eta -> el_OR_%SYS%_eta',
-    'AnalysisElectronsOR_%SYS%.phi -> el_OR_%SYS%_phi',
-    '  -> el_OR_%SYS%_pt',
-    'AnalysisPhotons_%SYS%.eta -> ph_%SYS%_eta',
-    'AnalysisPhotons_%SYS%.phi -> ph_%SYS%_phi',
-    '  -> ph_%SYS%_pt',
-    'AnalysisPhotonsOR_%SYS%.eta -> ph_OR_%SYS%_eta',
-    'AnalysisPhotonsOR_%SYS%.phi -> ph_OR_%SYS%_phi',
-    '  -> ph_OR_%SYS%_pt',
-    'AnalysisMuons_%SYS%.eta -> mu_%SYS%_eta',
-    'AnalysisMuons_%SYS%.phi -> mu_%SYS%_phi',
-    '  -> mu_%SYS%_pt',
-    'AnalysisMuonsOR_%SYS%.eta -> mu_OR_%SYS%_eta',
-    'AnalysisMuonsOR_%SYS%.phi -> mu_OR_%SYS%_phi',
-    '  -> mu_OR_%SYS%_pt',
-    'AnalysisJets_%SYS%.eta -> jet_%SYS%_eta',
-    'AnalysisJets_%SYS%.phi -> jet_%SYS%_phi',
-    '  -> jet_%SYS%_pt',
-    'AnalysisJetsOR_%SYS%.eta -> jet_OR_%SYS%_eta',
-    'AnalysisJetsOR_%SYS%.phi -> jet_OR_%SYS%_phi',
-    '  -> jet_OR_%SYS%_pt',
-    'AnalysisTauJets_%SYS%.eta -> tau_%SYS%_eta',
-    'AnalysisTauJets_%SYS%.phi -> tau_%SYS%_phi',
-    '  -> tau_%SYS%_pt',
-    'AnalysisTauJetsOR_%SYS%.eta -> tau_OR_%SYS%_eta',
-    'AnalysisTauJetsOR_%SYS%.phi -> tau_OR_%SYS%_phi',
-    '  -> tau_OR_%SYS%_pt' ]
-ntupleMaker.systematicsRegex = '.*'
-algSeq += ntupleMaker
-treeFiller = createAlgorithm( 'CP::TreeFillerAlg', 'TreeFiller' )
-treeFiller.TreeName = 'particles'
-algSeq += treeFiller
-# For debugging.
-print( algSeq )
-# Add all algorithms from the sequence to the job.
-athAlgSeq += algSeq
+from AsgAnalysisAlgorithms.AsgAnalysisAlgorithmsTest import makeOverlapSequence
+algSeq = makeOverlapSequence (dataType)
+print algSeq # For debugging
 # Set up a histogram output file for the job:
 ServiceMgr += CfgMgr.THistSvc()

From e1a5eb123cfe95ec15002c2c938ff1fe3ad09fdd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Nils Krumnack <>
Date: Sat, 22 Jun 2019 11:52:55 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 2/7] merge algorithm test code between EventLoop and Athena

So far the algorithm test sequence was duplicated between EventLoop
and Athena.  Keeping them in sync was needlessly error-prone, so I now
merged them.
 .../python/      | 30 +++++++++++++++++++
 .../share/ | 24 ++++-----------
 .../  | 25 +++-------------
 3 files changed, 39 insertions(+), 40 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 PhysicsAnalysis/Algorithms/FTagAnalysisAlgorithms/python/

diff --git a/PhysicsAnalysis/Algorithms/FTagAnalysisAlgorithms/python/ b/PhysicsAnalysis/Algorithms/FTagAnalysisAlgorithms/python/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..194c018f396c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PhysicsAnalysis/Algorithms/FTagAnalysisAlgorithms/python/
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+# @author Nils Krumnack
+from AnaAlgorithm.AlgSequence import AlgSequence
+from AnaAlgorithm.DualUseConfig import createAlgorithm
+def makeSequence (dataType) :
+    # config parameters
+    jetContainer = "AntiKt4EMTopoJets"
+    algSeq = AlgSequence()
+    # Set up the systematics loader/handler algorithm:
+    sysLoader = createAlgorithm( 'CP::SysListLoaderAlg', 'SysLoaderAlg' )
+    sysLoader.sigmaRecommended = 1
+    algSeq += sysLoader
+    # Include, and then set up the jet analysis algorithm sequence:
+    from JetAnalysisAlgorithms.JetAnalysisSequence import makeJetAnalysisSequence
+    jetSequence = makeJetAnalysisSequence( dataType, jetContainer )
+    from FTagAnalysisAlgorithms.FTagAnalysisSequence import makeFTagAnalysisSequence
+    makeFTagAnalysisSequence( jetSequence, dataType, jetContainer, noEfficiency = True )
+    jetSequence.configure( inputName = jetContainer, outputName = 'AnalysisJets' )
+    # Add the sequence to the job:
+    algSeq += jetSequence
+    return algSeq
diff --git a/PhysicsAnalysis/Algorithms/FTagAnalysisAlgorithms/share/ b/PhysicsAnalysis/Algorithms/FTagAnalysisAlgorithms/share/
index c2e9d96977c9..b584d43df2eb 100755
--- a/PhysicsAnalysis/Algorithms/FTagAnalysisAlgorithms/share/
+++ b/PhysicsAnalysis/Algorithms/FTagAnalysisAlgorithms/share/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python
-# Copyright (C) 2002-2018 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+# Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
 # @author Nils Krumnack
@@ -39,8 +39,6 @@ inputfile = {"data": 'ASG_TEST_FILE_DATA',
              "mc":   'ASG_TEST_FILE_MC',
              "afii": 'ASG_TEST_FILE_MC_AFII'}
-jetContainer = "AntiKt4EMTopoJets"
 if not dataType in ["data", "mc", "afii"] :
     raise ValueError ("invalid data type: " + dataType)
@@ -59,22 +57,10 @@ job = ROOT.EL.Job()
 job.sampleHandler( sh )
 job.options().setDouble( ROOT.EL.Job.optMaxEvents, 500 )
-# Set up the systematics loader/handler algorithm:
-from AnaAlgorithm.AnaAlgorithmConfig import AnaAlgorithmConfig
-config = AnaAlgorithmConfig( 'CP::SysListLoaderAlg/SysLoaderAlg' )
-config.sigmaRecommended = 1
-job.algsAdd( config )
-# Include, and then set up the jet analysis algorithm sequence:
-from JetAnalysisAlgorithms.JetAnalysisSequence import makeJetAnalysisSequence
-jetSequence = makeJetAnalysisSequence( dataType, jetContainer )
-from FTagAnalysisAlgorithms.FTagAnalysisSequence import makeFTagAnalysisSequence
-makeFTagAnalysisSequence( jetSequence, dataType, jetContainer, noEfficiency = True )
-jetSequence.configure( inputName = jetContainer, outputName = 'AnalysisJets' )
-print( jetSequence ) # For debugging
-# Add all algorithms to the job:
-for alg in jetSequence:
+from FTagAnalysisAlgorithms.FTagAnalysisAlgorithmsTest import makeSequence
+algSeq = makeSequence (dataType)
+print algSeq # For debugging
+for alg in algSeq:
     job.algsAdd( alg )
diff --git a/PhysicsAnalysis/Algorithms/FTagAnalysisAlgorithms/share/ b/PhysicsAnalysis/Algorithms/FTagAnalysisAlgorithms/share/
index 2640da0d5dc2..5d497900c833 100644
--- a/PhysicsAnalysis/Algorithms/FTagAnalysisAlgorithms/share/
+++ b/PhysicsAnalysis/Algorithms/FTagAnalysisAlgorithms/share/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2002-2018 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+# Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
 # @author Nils Krumnack
@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ dataType = "data"
 inputfile = {"data": 'ASG_TEST_FILE_DATA',
              "mc":   'ASG_TEST_FILE_MC',
              "afii": 'ASG_TEST_FILE_MC_AFII'}
-jetContainer = "AntiKt4EMTopoJets"
 # Set up the reading of the input file:
 import AthenaRootComps.ReadAthenaxAODHybrid
@@ -18,25 +17,9 @@ theApp.EvtMax = 500
 testFile = os.getenv ( inputfile[dataType] )
 svcMgr.EventSelector.InputCollections = [testFile]
-# Access the main algorithm sequence of the job:
-from AthenaCommon.AlgSequence import AlgSequence
-algSeq = AlgSequence()
-# Set up the systematics loader/handler algorithm:
-sysLoader = CfgMgr.CP__SysListLoaderAlg( 'SysLoaderAlg' )
-sysLoader.sigmaRecommended = 1
-algSeq += sysLoader
-# Include, and then set up the jet analysis algorithm sequence:
-from JetAnalysisAlgorithms.JetAnalysisSequence import makeJetAnalysisSequence
-jetSequence = makeJetAnalysisSequence( dataType, jetContainer )
-from FTagAnalysisAlgorithms.FTagAnalysisSequence import makeFTagAnalysisSequence
-makeFTagAnalysisSequence( jetSequence, dataType, jetContainer, noEfficiency = True )
-jetSequence.configure( inputName = jetContainer, outputName = 'AnalysisJets' )
-print( jetSequence ) # For debugging
-# Add the sequence to the job:
-algSeq += jetSequence
+from FTagAnalysisAlgorithms.FTagAnalysisAlgorithmsTest import makeSequence
+algSeq = makeSequence (dataType)
+print algSeq # For debugging
 # Set up a histogram output file for the job:
 ServiceMgr += CfgMgr.THistSvc()

From 407ed4316173e86f34ec3d74b97a380da3a23a9a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Nils Krumnack <>
Date: Sat, 22 Jun 2019 11:54:22 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 3/7] merge algorithm test code between EventLoop and Athena

So far the algorithm test sequence was duplicated between EventLoop
and Athena.  Keeping them in sync was needlessly error-prone, so I now
merged them.
 .../python/       | 71 +++++++++++++++++++
 .../share/  | 67 ++---------------
 .../   | 64 +----------------
 3 files changed, 78 insertions(+), 124 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 PhysicsAnalysis/Algorithms/JetAnalysisAlgorithms/python/

diff --git a/PhysicsAnalysis/Algorithms/JetAnalysisAlgorithms/python/ b/PhysicsAnalysis/Algorithms/JetAnalysisAlgorithms/python/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..5951ef18a650
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PhysicsAnalysis/Algorithms/JetAnalysisAlgorithms/python/
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+# @author Nils Krumnack
+from AnaAlgorithm.AlgSequence import AlgSequence
+from AnaAlgorithm.DualUseConfig import createAlgorithm
+def makeSequence (dataType) :
+    # config
+    jetContainer = "AntiKt4EMTopoJets"
+    algSeq = AlgSequence()
+    # Set up the systematics loader/handler algorithm:
+    sysLoader = createAlgorithm( 'CP::SysListLoaderAlg', 'SysLoaderAlg' )
+    sysLoader.sigmaRecommended = 1
+    algSeq += sysLoader
+    # Include, and then set up the pileup analysis sequence:
+    from AsgAnalysisAlgorithms.PileupAnalysisSequence import \
+        makePileupAnalysisSequence
+    pileupSequence = makePileupAnalysisSequence( dataType )
+    pileupSequence.configure( inputName = 'EventInfo', outputName = 'EventInfo' )
+    print( pileupSequence ) # For debugging
+    # Include, and then set up the jet analysis algorithm sequence:
+    from JetAnalysisAlgorithms.JetAnalysisSequence import makeJetAnalysisSequence
+    jetSequence = makeJetAnalysisSequence( dataType, jetContainer )
+    jetSequence.configure( inputName = jetContainer, outputName = 'AnalysisJetsBase' )
+    print( jetSequence ) # For debugging
+    # Include, and then set up the jet analysis algorithm sequence:
+    from JetAnalysisAlgorithms.JetJvtAnalysisSequence import makeJetJvtAnalysisSequence
+    jvtSequence = makeJetJvtAnalysisSequence( dataType, jetContainer )
+    jvtSequence.configure( inputName = { 'eventInfo' : 'EventInfo_%SYS%',
+                                         'jets'      : 'AnalysisJetsBase_%SYS%' },
+                           outputName = { 'jets'      : 'AnalysisJets_%SYS%' },
+                           affectingSystematics = { 'jets' : jetSequence.affectingSystematics() } )
+    print( jvtSequence ) # For debugging
+    # Add the sequences to the job:
+    algSeq += pileupSequence
+    algSeq += jetSequence
+    algSeq += jvtSequence
+    # Set up an ntuple to check the job with:
+    treeMaker = createAlgorithm( 'CP::TreeMakerAlg', 'TreeMaker' )
+    treeMaker.TreeName = 'jets'
+    algSeq += treeMaker
+    ntupleMaker = createAlgorithm( 'CP::AsgxAODNTupleMakerAlg', 'NTupleMaker' )
+    ntupleMaker.TreeName = 'jets'
+    ntupleMaker.Branches = [
+        'EventInfo.runNumber   -> runNumber',
+        'EventInfo.eventNumber -> eventNumber',
+        ' -> jet_%SYS%_pt',
+        ]
+    if dataType != 'data':
+        ntupleMaker.Branches += [
+            # 'EventInfo.jvt_effSF_%SYS% -> jvtSF_%SYS%',
+            # 'EventInfo.fjvt_effSF_%SYS% -> fjvtSF_%SYS%',
+            'AnalysisJets_%SYS%.jvt_effSF_NOSYS -> jet_%SYS%_jvtEfficiency',
+            'AnalysisJets_%SYS%.fjvt_effSF_NOSYS -> jet_%SYS%_fjvtEfficiency',
+            ]
+        ntupleMaker.systematicsRegex = '(^$)|(^JET_.*)'
+        algSeq += ntupleMaker
+    treeFiller = createAlgorithm( 'CP::TreeFillerAlg', 'TreeFiller' )
+    treeFiller.TreeName = 'jets'
+    algSeq += treeFiller
+    return algSeq
diff --git a/PhysicsAnalysis/Algorithms/JetAnalysisAlgorithms/share/ b/PhysicsAnalysis/Algorithms/JetAnalysisAlgorithms/share/
index 07b432b352ce..44a51e538611 100755
--- a/PhysicsAnalysis/Algorithms/JetAnalysisAlgorithms/share/
+++ b/PhysicsAnalysis/Algorithms/JetAnalysisAlgorithms/share/
@@ -59,72 +59,13 @@ job = ROOT.EL.Job()
 job.sampleHandler( sh )
 job.options().setDouble( ROOT.EL.Job.optMaxEvents, 500 )
-# Set up the systematics loader/handler algorithm:
-from AnaAlgorithm.AnaAlgorithmConfig import AnaAlgorithmConfig
-config = AnaAlgorithmConfig( 'CP::SysListLoaderAlg/SysLoaderAlg' )
-config.sigmaRecommended = 1
-job.algsAdd( config )
-# Include, and then set up the pileup analysis sequence:
-from AsgAnalysisAlgorithms.PileupAnalysisSequence import \
-    makePileupAnalysisSequence
-pileupSequence = makePileupAnalysisSequence( dataType )
-pileupSequence.configure( inputName = 'EventInfo', outputName = 'EventInfo' )
-print( pileupSequence ) # For debugging
-# Include, and then set up the jet analysis algorithm sequence:
-from JetAnalysisAlgorithms.JetAnalysisSequence import makeJetAnalysisSequence
-jetSequence = makeJetAnalysisSequence( dataType, jetContainer )
-jetSequence.configure( inputName = jetContainer, outputName = 'AnalysisJetsBase' )
-print( jetSequence ) # For debugging
-# Include, and then set up the jet analysis algorithm sequence:
-from JetAnalysisAlgorithms.JetJvtAnalysisSequence import makeJetJvtAnalysisSequence
-jvtSequence = makeJetJvtAnalysisSequence( dataType, jetContainer )
-jvtSequence.configure( inputName = { 'eventInfo' : 'EventInfo_%SYS%',
-                                     'jets'      : 'AnalysisJetsBase_%SYS%' },
-                       outputName = { 'jets'      : 'AnalysisJets_%SYS%' },
-                       affectingSystematics = { 'jets' : jetSequence.affectingSystematics() } )
-print( jvtSequence ) # For debugging
-# Add all algorithms to the job:
-for alg in pileupSequence:
+from JetAnalysisAlgorithms.JetAnalysisAlgorithmsTest import makeSequence
+algSeq = makeSequence (dataType)
+print algSeq # For debugging
+for alg in algSeq:
     job.algsAdd( alg )
-for alg in jetSequence:
-    job.algsAdd( alg )
-    pass
-for alg in jvtSequence:
-    job.algsAdd( alg )
-    pass
-# Set up an ntuple to check the job with:
-from AnaAlgorithm.DualUseConfig import createAlgorithm
-treeMaker = AnaAlgorithmConfig( 'CP::TreeMakerAlg/TreeMaker' )
-treeMaker.TreeName = 'jets'
-job.algsAdd( treeMaker )
-ntupleMaker = createAlgorithm( 'CP::AsgxAODNTupleMakerAlg', 'NTupleMaker' )
-ntupleMaker.TreeName = 'jets'
-ntupleMaker.Branches = [
-    'EventInfo.runNumber   -> runNumber',
-    'EventInfo.eventNumber -> eventNumber',
-    ' -> jet_%SYS%_pt',
-if dataType != 'data':
-    ntupleMaker.Branches += [
-        # 'EventInfo.jvt_effSF_%SYS% -> jvtSF_%SYS%',
-        # 'EventInfo.fjvt_effSF_%SYS% -> fjvtSF_%SYS%',
-        'AnalysisJets_%SYS%.jvt_effSF_NOSYS -> jet_%SYS%_jvtEfficiency',
-        'AnalysisJets_%SYS%.fjvt_effSF_NOSYS -> jet_%SYS%_fjvtEfficiency',
-    ]
-ntupleMaker.systematicsRegex = '(^$)|(^JET_.*)'
-job.algsAdd( ntupleMaker )
-treeFiller = AnaAlgorithmConfig( 'CP::TreeFillerAlg/TreeFiller' )
-treeFiller.TreeName = 'jets'
-job.algsAdd( treeFiller )
 # Set up an output file for the job:
 job.outputAdd( ROOT.EL.OutputStream( 'ANALYSIS' ) )
diff --git a/PhysicsAnalysis/Algorithms/JetAnalysisAlgorithms/share/ b/PhysicsAnalysis/Algorithms/JetAnalysisAlgorithms/share/
index e4e0c297b4b8..6a73a2851f97 100644
--- a/PhysicsAnalysis/Algorithms/JetAnalysisAlgorithms/share/
+++ b/PhysicsAnalysis/Algorithms/JetAnalysisAlgorithms/share/
@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ dataType = "mc"
 inputfile = {"data": 'ASG_TEST_FILE_DATA',
              "mc":   'ASG_TEST_FILE_MC',
              "afii": 'ASG_TEST_FILE_MC_AFII'}
-jetContainer = "AntiKt4EMTopoJets"
 # Set up the reading of the input file:
 import AthenaRootComps.ReadAthenaxAODHybrid
@@ -18,66 +17,9 @@ theApp.EvtMax = 500
 testFile = os.getenv ( inputfile[dataType] )
 svcMgr.EventSelector.InputCollections = [testFile]
-# Access the main algorithm sequence of the job:
-from AthenaCommon.AlgSequence import AlgSequence
-algSeq = AlgSequence()
-# Set up the systematics loader/handler algorithm:
-sysLoader = CfgMgr.CP__SysListLoaderAlg( 'SysLoaderAlg' )
-sysLoader.sigmaRecommended = 1
-algSeq += sysLoader
-# Include, and then set up the pileup analysis sequence:
-from AsgAnalysisAlgorithms.PileupAnalysisSequence import \
-    makePileupAnalysisSequence
-pileupSequence = makePileupAnalysisSequence( dataType )
-pileupSequence.configure( inputName = 'EventInfo', outputName = 'EventInfo' )
-print( pileupSequence ) # For debugging
-# Include, and then set up the jet analysis algorithm sequence:
-from JetAnalysisAlgorithms.JetAnalysisSequence import makeJetAnalysisSequence
-jetSequence = makeJetAnalysisSequence( dataType, jetContainer )
-jetSequence.configure( inputName = jetContainer, outputName = 'AnalysisJetsBase' )
-print( jetSequence ) # For debugging
-# Include, and then set up the jet analysis algorithm sequence:
-from JetAnalysisAlgorithms.JetJvtAnalysisSequence import makeJetJvtAnalysisSequence
-jvtSequence = makeJetJvtAnalysisSequence( dataType, jetContainer )
-jvtSequence.configure( inputName = { 'eventInfo' : 'EventInfo_%SYS%',
-                                     'jets'      : 'AnalysisJetsBase_%SYS%' },
-                       outputName = { 'jets'      : 'AnalysisJets_%SYS%' },
-                       affectingSystematics = { 'jets' : jetSequence.affectingSystematics() } )
-print( jvtSequence ) # For debugging
-# Add the sequences to the job:
-algSeq += pileupSequence
-algSeq += jetSequence
-algSeq += jvtSequence
-# Set up an ntuple to check the job with:
-from AnaAlgorithm.DualUseConfig import createAlgorithm
-treeMaker = createAlgorithm( 'CP::TreeMakerAlg', 'TreeMaker' )
-treeMaker.TreeName = 'jets'
-algSeq += treeMaker
-ntupleMaker = createAlgorithm( 'CP::AsgxAODNTupleMakerAlg', 'NTupleMaker' )
-ntupleMaker.TreeName = 'jets'
-ntupleMaker.Branches = [
-    'EventInfo.runNumber   -> runNumber',
-    'EventInfo.eventNumber -> eventNumber',
-    ' -> jet_%SYS%_pt',
-if dataType != 'data':
-    ntupleMaker.Branches += [
-        # 'EventInfo.jvt_effSF_%SYS% -> jvtSF_%SYS%',
-        # 'EventInfo.fjvt_effSF_%SYS% -> fjvtSF_%SYS%',
-        'AnalysisJets_%SYS%.jvt_effSF_NOSYS -> jet_%SYS%_jvtEfficiency',
-        'AnalysisJets_%SYS%.fjvt_effSF_NOSYS -> jet_%SYS%_fjvtEfficiency',
-    ]
-ntupleMaker.systematicsRegex = '(^$)|(^JET_.*)'
-algSeq += ntupleMaker
-treeFiller = createAlgorithm( 'CP::TreeFillerAlg', 'TreeFiller' )
-treeFiller.TreeName = 'jets'
-algSeq += treeFiller
+from JetAnalysisAlgorithms.JetAnalysisAlgorithmsTest import makeSequence
+algSeq = makeSequence (dataType)
+print algSeq # For debugging
 # Set up a histogram output file for the job:
 ServiceMgr += CfgMgr.THistSvc()

From e6d17b76f361d2f855357d509782c2e901b389ca Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Nils Krumnack <>
Date: Sat, 22 Jun 2019 11:55:07 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 4/7] merge algorithm test code between EventLoop and Athena

So far the algorithm test sequence was duplicated between EventLoop
and Athena.  Keeping them in sync was needlessly error-prone, so I now
merged them.
 .../python/       | 78 ++++++++++++++++++
 .../share/  | 79 ++-----------------
 .../   | 75 +-----------------
 3 files changed, 88 insertions(+), 144 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 PhysicsAnalysis/Algorithms/MetAnalysisAlgorithms/python/

diff --git a/PhysicsAnalysis/Algorithms/MetAnalysisAlgorithms/python/ b/PhysicsAnalysis/Algorithms/MetAnalysisAlgorithms/python/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a8d263ca2919
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PhysicsAnalysis/Algorithms/MetAnalysisAlgorithms/python/
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+from AnaAlgorithm.AlgSequence import AlgSequence
+from AnaAlgorithm.DualUseConfig import createAlgorithm
+def makeSequence (dataType) :
+    algSeq = AlgSequence()
+    from AnaAlgorithm.DualUseConfig import createAlgorithm
+    # Set up the systematics loader/handler algorithm:
+    sysLoader = createAlgorithm( 'CP::SysListLoaderAlg', 'SysLoaderAlg' )
+    sysLoader.sigmaRecommended = 1
+    algSeq += sysLoader
+    # Include, and then set up the jet analysis algorithm sequence:
+    from JetAnalysisAlgorithms.JetAnalysisSequence import makeJetAnalysisSequence
+    jetContainer = 'AntiKt4EMTopoJets'
+    jetSequence = makeJetAnalysisSequence( dataType, jetContainer )
+    jetSequence.configure( inputName = jetContainer, outputName = 'AnalysisJets' )
+    # Add all algorithms to the job:
+    algSeq += jetSequence
+    # Set up a selection alg for demonstration purposes
+    # Also to avoid warnings from building MET with very soft electrons
+    from AnaAlgorithm.DualUseConfig import createAlgorithm, addPrivateTool
+    selalg = createAlgorithm( 'CP::AsgSelectionAlg', 'METEleSelAlg' )
+    addPrivateTool( selalg, 'selectionTool', 'CP::AsgPtEtaSelectionTool' )
+    selalg.selectionTool.minPt = 10e3
+    selalg.selectionTool.maxEta = 2.47
+    selalg.selectionDecoration = 'selectPtEta'
+    selalg.particles = 'Electrons'
+    # We need to copy here, because w/o an output container, it's assumed
+    # that the input container is non-const
+    selalg.particlesOut = 'DecorElectrons_%SYS%'
+    algSeq += selalg
+    # Now make a view container holding only the electrons for the MET calculation
+    viewalg = createAlgorithm( 'CP::AsgViewFromSelectionAlg','METEleViewAlg' )
+    viewalg.selection = [ 'selectPtEta' ]
+    viewalg.input = 'DecorElectrons_%SYS%'
+    viewalg.output = 'METElectrons_%SYS%'
+    algSeq += viewalg
+    # Include, and then set up the met analysis algorithm sequence:
+    from MetAnalysisAlgorithms.MetAnalysisSequence import makeMetAnalysisSequence
+    metSequence = makeMetAnalysisSequence( dataType, metSuffix = jetContainer[:-4] )
+    metSequence.configure( inputName = { 'jets'      : 'AnalysisJets_%SYS%',
+                                         'muons'     : 'Muons',
+                                         'electrons' : 'METElectrons_%SYS%' },
+                           outputName = 'AnalysisMET_%SYS%',
+                           affectingSystematics = { 'jets'      : jetSequence.affectingSystematics(),
+                                                    'muons'     : '(^$)',
+                                                    'electrons' : '(^$)' } )
+    # Add the sequence to the job:
+    algSeq += metSequence
+    # Write the freshly produced MET object(s) to an output file:
+    treeMaker = createAlgorithm( 'CP::TreeMakerAlg', 'TreeMaker' )
+    treeMaker.TreeName = 'met'
+    algSeq += treeMaker
+    ntupleMaker = createAlgorithm( 'CP::AsgxAODNTupleMakerAlg', 'NTupleMaker' )
+    ntupleMaker.TreeName = 'met'
+    ntupleMaker.Branches = [ 'EventInfo.runNumber     -> runNumber',
+                             'EventInfo.eventNumber   -> eventNumber',
+                             'AnalysisMET_%SYS%.mpx   -> met_%SYS%_mpx',
+                             'AnalysisMET_%SYS%.mpy   -> met_%SYS%_mpy',
+                             'AnalysisMET_%SYS%.sumet -> met_%SYS%_sumet',
+                             '  -> met_%SYS%_name', ]
+    ntupleMaker.systematicsRegex = '.*'
+    algSeq += ntupleMaker
+    treeFiller = createAlgorithm( 'CP::TreeFillerAlg', 'TreeFiller' )
+    treeFiller.TreeName = 'met'
+    algSeq += treeFiller
+    return algSeq
diff --git a/PhysicsAnalysis/Algorithms/MetAnalysisAlgorithms/share/ b/PhysicsAnalysis/Algorithms/MetAnalysisAlgorithms/share/
index 513fc3a09ed0..8599ff5aa033 100755
--- a/PhysicsAnalysis/Algorithms/MetAnalysisAlgorithms/share/
+++ b/PhysicsAnalysis/Algorithms/MetAnalysisAlgorithms/share/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python
-# Copyright (C) 2002-2018 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+# Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
 # @author Nils Krumnack
@@ -59,82 +59,15 @@ job = ROOT.EL.Job()
 job.sampleHandler( sh )
 job.options().setDouble( ROOT.EL.Job.optMaxEvents, 500 )
-# Set up the systematics loader/handler algorithm:
-sysLoader = AnaAlgorithmConfig( 'CP::SysListLoaderAlg/SysLoaderAlg' )
-sysLoader.sigmaRecommended = 1
-job.algsAdd( sysLoader )
-# Include, and then set up the jet analysis algorithm sequence:
-from JetAnalysisAlgorithms.JetAnalysisSequence import makeJetAnalysisSequence
-jetContainer = 'AntiKt4EMTopoJets'
-jetSequence = makeJetAnalysisSequence( dataType, jetContainer )
-jetSequence.configure( inputName = jetContainer, outputName = 'AnalysisJets' )
-print( jetSequence ) # For debugging
-# Add all algorithms to the job:
-for alg in jetSequence:
-    job.algsAdd( alg )
-    pass
-# Set up a selection alg for demonstration purposes
-# Also to avoid warnings from building MET with very soft electrons
-from AnaAlgorithm.DualUseConfig import createAlgorithm, addPrivateTool
-selalg = createAlgorithm( 'CP::AsgSelectionAlg', 'METEleSelAlg' )
-addPrivateTool( selalg, 'selectionTool', 'CP::AsgPtEtaSelectionTool' )
-selalg.selectionTool.minPt = 10e3
-selalg.selectionTool.maxEta = 2.47
-selalg.selectionDecoration = 'selectPtEta'
-selalg.particles = 'Electrons'
-# We need to copy here, because w/o an output container, it's assumed
-# that the input container is non-const
-selalg.particlesOut = 'DecorElectrons_%SYS%'
-job.algsAdd( selalg )
-print( selalg ) # For debugging
-# Now make a view container holding only the electrons for the MET calculation
-viewalg = createAlgorithm( 'CP::AsgViewFromSelectionAlg','METEleViewAlg' )
-viewalg.selection = [ 'selectPtEta' ]
-viewalg.input = 'DecorElectrons_%SYS%'
-viewalg.output = 'METElectrons_%SYS%'
-job.algsAdd( viewalg )
-print( viewalg ) # For debugging
-# Include, and then set up the met analysis algorithm sequence:
-from MetAnalysisAlgorithms.MetAnalysisSequence import makeMetAnalysisSequence
-metSequence = makeMetAnalysisSequence( dataType, metSuffix = jetContainer[:-4] )
-metSequence.configure( inputName = { 'jets'      : 'AnalysisJets_%SYS%',
-                                     'muons'     : 'Muons',
-                                     'electrons' : 'METElectrons_%SYS%' },
-                       outputName = 'AnalysisMET_%SYS%',
-                       affectingSystematics = { 'jets'      : jetSequence.affectingSystematics(),
-                                                'muons'     : '(^$)',
-                                                'electrons' : '(^$)' } )
-print( metSequence ) # For debugging
+job.outputAdd( ROOT.EL.OutputStream( 'ANALYSIS' ) )
-# Add all algorithms to the job:
-for alg in metSequence:
+from MetAnalysisAlgorithms.MetAnalysisAlgorithmsTest import makeSequence
+algSeq = makeSequence (dataType)
+print algSeq # For debugging
+for alg in algSeq:
     job.algsAdd( alg )
-# Write the freshly produced MET object(s) to an output file:
-treeMaker = createAlgorithm( 'CP::TreeMakerAlg', 'TreeMaker' )
-treeMaker.TreeName = 'met'
-job.algsAdd( treeMaker )
-ntupleMaker = createAlgorithm( 'CP::AsgxAODNTupleMakerAlg', 'NTupleMaker' )
-ntupleMaker.TreeName = 'met'
-ntupleMaker.Branches = [ 'EventInfo.runNumber     -> runNumber',
-                         'EventInfo.eventNumber   -> eventNumber',
-                         'AnalysisMET_%SYS%.mpx   -> met_%SYS%_mpx',
-                         'AnalysisMET_%SYS%.mpy   -> met_%SYS%_mpy',
-                         'AnalysisMET_%SYS%.sumet -> met_%SYS%_sumet',
-                         '  -> met_%SYS%_name', ]
-ntupleMaker.systematicsRegex = '.*'
-job.algsAdd( ntupleMaker )
-job.outputAdd( ROOT.EL.OutputStream( 'ANALYSIS' ) )
-treeFiller = createAlgorithm( 'CP::TreeFillerAlg', 'TreeFiller' )
-treeFiller.TreeName = 'met'
-job.algsAdd( treeFiller )
 # Find the right output directory:                                                                                      
 submitDir = options.submission_dir
 if options.unit_test:
diff --git a/PhysicsAnalysis/Algorithms/MetAnalysisAlgorithms/share/ b/PhysicsAnalysis/Algorithms/MetAnalysisAlgorithms/share/
index e9b9a9a2447f..5c52cbae376b 100644
--- a/PhysicsAnalysis/Algorithms/MetAnalysisAlgorithms/share/
+++ b/PhysicsAnalysis/Algorithms/MetAnalysisAlgorithms/share/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2002-2018 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+# Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
 # @author Nils Krumnack
@@ -18,76 +18,9 @@ dataType = "data"
 #dataType = "mc"
 #dataType = "afii"
-# Set up the systematics loader/handler algorithm:
-sysLoader = CfgMgr.CP__SysListLoaderAlg( 'SysLoaderAlg' )
-sysLoader.sigmaRecommended = 1
-algSeq += sysLoader
-# Include, and then set up the jet analysis algorithm sequence:
-from JetAnalysisAlgorithms.JetAnalysisSequence import makeJetAnalysisSequence
-jetContainer = 'AntiKt4EMTopoJets'
-jetSequence = makeJetAnalysisSequence( dataType, jetContainer )
-jetSequence.configure( inputName = jetContainer, outputName = 'AnalysisJets' )
-print( jetSequence ) # For debugging
-# Add all algorithms to the job:
-algSeq += jetSequence
-# Set up a selection alg for demonstration purposes
-# Also to avoid warnings from building MET with very soft electrons
-from AnaAlgorithm.DualUseConfig import createAlgorithm, addPrivateTool
-selalg = createAlgorithm( 'CP::AsgSelectionAlg', 'METEleSelAlg' )
-addPrivateTool( selalg, 'selectionTool', 'CP::AsgPtEtaSelectionTool' )
-selalg.selectionTool.minPt = 10e3
-selalg.selectionTool.maxEta = 2.47
-selalg.selectionDecoration = 'selectPtEta'
-selalg.particles = 'Electrons'
-# We need to copy here, because w/o an output container, it's assumed
-# that the input container is non-const
-selalg.particlesOut = 'DecorElectrons_%SYS%'
-algSeq += selalg
-print( selalg ) # For debugging
-# Now make a view container holding only the electrons for the MET calculation
-viewalg = createAlgorithm( 'CP::AsgViewFromSelectionAlg','METEleViewAlg' )
-viewalg.selection = [ 'selectPtEta' ]
-viewalg.input = 'DecorElectrons_%SYS%'
-viewalg.output = 'METElectrons_%SYS%'
-algSeq += viewalg
-print( viewalg ) # For debugging
-# Include, and then set up the met analysis algorithm sequence:
-from MetAnalysisAlgorithms.MetAnalysisSequence import makeMetAnalysisSequence
-metSequence = makeMetAnalysisSequence( dataType, metSuffix = jetContainer[:-4] )
-metSequence.configure( inputName = { 'jets'      : 'AnalysisJets_%SYS%',
-                                     'muons'     : 'Muons',
-                                     'electrons' : 'METElectrons_%SYS%' },
-                       outputName = 'AnalysisMET_%SYS%',
-                       affectingSystematics = { 'jets'      : jetSequence.affectingSystematics(),
-                                                'muons'     : '(^$)',
-                                                'electrons' : '(^$)' } )
-print( metSequence ) # For debugging
-# Add the sequence to the job:
-algSeq += metSequence
-# Write the freshly produced MET object(s) to an output file:
-treeMaker = createAlgorithm( 'CP::TreeMakerAlg', 'TreeMaker' )
-treeMaker.TreeName = 'met'
-algSeq += treeMaker
-ntupleMaker = createAlgorithm( 'CP::AsgxAODNTupleMakerAlg', 'NTupleMaker' )
-ntupleMaker.TreeName = 'met'
-ntupleMaker.Branches = [ 'EventInfo.runNumber     -> runNumber',
-                         'EventInfo.eventNumber   -> eventNumber',
-                         'AnalysisMET_%SYS%.mpx   -> met_%SYS%_mpx',
-                         'AnalysisMET_%SYS%.mpy   -> met_%SYS%_mpy',
-                         'AnalysisMET_%SYS%.sumet -> met_%SYS%_sumet',
-                         '  -> met_%SYS%_name', ]
-ntupleMaker.systematicsRegex = '.*'
-algSeq += ntupleMaker
-treeFiller = createAlgorithm( 'CP::TreeFillerAlg', 'TreeFiller' )
-treeFiller.TreeName = 'met'
-algSeq += treeFiller
+from MetAnalysisAlgorithms.MetAnalysisAlgorithmsTest import makeSequence
+algSeq = makeSequence (dataType)
+print algSeq # For debugging
 # Set up a histogram output file for the job:
 ServiceMgr += CfgMgr.THistSvc()

From 11f364e13262df9c72e55f3e79a45d0e585d6b61 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Nils Krumnack <>
Date: Sat, 22 Jun 2019 11:56:13 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 5/7] merge algorithm test code between EventLoop and Athena

So far the algorithm test sequence was duplicated between EventLoop
and Athena.  Keeping them in sync was needlessly error-prone, so I now
merged them.
 .../python/      | 68 ++++++++++++++++
 .../share/ | 78 ++-----------------
 .../  | 64 +--------------
 3 files changed, 77 insertions(+), 133 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 PhysicsAnalysis/Algorithms/MuonAnalysisAlgorithms/python/

diff --git a/PhysicsAnalysis/Algorithms/MuonAnalysisAlgorithms/python/ b/PhysicsAnalysis/Algorithms/MuonAnalysisAlgorithms/python/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..c5608c84c481
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PhysicsAnalysis/Algorithms/MuonAnalysisAlgorithms/python/
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+# @author Nils Krumnack
+from AnaAlgorithm.AlgSequence import AlgSequence
+from AnaAlgorithm.DualUseConfig import createAlgorithm
+def makeSequence (dataType) :
+    algSeq = AlgSequence()
+    # Set up the systematics loader/handler algorithm:
+    sysLoader = createAlgorithm( 'CP::SysListLoaderAlg', 'SysLoaderAlg' )
+    sysLoader.sigmaRecommended = 1
+    algSeq += sysLoader
+    # Include, and then set up the pileup analysis sequence:
+    from AsgAnalysisAlgorithms.PileupAnalysisSequence import \
+        makePileupAnalysisSequence
+    pileupSequence = makePileupAnalysisSequence( dataType )
+    pileupSequence.configure( inputName = 'EventInfo', outputName = 'EventInfo' )
+    # Add the pileup sequence to the job:
+    algSeq += pileupSequence
+    # Include, and then set up the muon analysis algorithm sequence:
+    from MuonAnalysisAlgorithms.MuonAnalysisSequence import makeMuonAnalysisSequence
+    muonSequenceMedium = makeMuonAnalysisSequence( dataType, deepCopyOutput = True, shallowViewOutput = False,
+                                                   workingPoint = 'Medium.Iso', postfix = 'medium' )
+    muonSequenceMedium.configure( inputName = 'Muons',
+                                  outputName = 'AnalysisMuonsMedium_%SYS%' )
+    # Add the sequence to the job:
+    algSeq += muonSequenceMedium
+    muonSequenceTight = makeMuonAnalysisSequence( dataType, deepCopyOutput = True, shallowViewOutput = False,
+                                                  workingPoint = 'Tight.Iso', postfix = 'tight' )
+    muonSequenceTight.removeStage ("calibration")
+    muonSequenceTight.configure( inputName = 'AnalysisMuonsMedium_%SYS%',
+                                 outputName = 'AnalysisMuons_%SYS%',
+                                 affectingSystematics = muonSequenceMedium.affectingSystematics())
+    # Add the sequence to the job:
+    algSeq += muonSequenceTight
+    # Add an ntuple dumper algorithm:
+    treeMaker = createAlgorithm( 'CP::TreeMakerAlg', 'TreeMaker' )
+    treeMaker.TreeName = 'muons'
+    algSeq += treeMaker
+    ntupleMaker = createAlgorithm( 'CP::AsgxAODNTupleMakerAlg', 'NTupleMakerEventInfo' )
+    ntupleMaker.TreeName = 'muons'
+    ntupleMaker.Branches = [ 'EventInfo.runNumber     -> runNumber',
+                             'EventInfo.eventNumber   -> eventNumber', ]
+    ntupleMaker.systematicsRegex = '(^$)'
+    algSeq += ntupleMaker
+    ntupleMaker = createAlgorithm( 'CP::AsgxAODNTupleMakerAlg', 'NTupleMakerMuons' )
+    ntupleMaker.TreeName = 'muons'
+    ntupleMaker.Branches = [ 'AnalysisMuons_NOSYS.eta -> mu_eta',
+                             'AnalysisMuons_NOSYS.phi -> mu_phi',
+                             '  -> mu_%SYS%_pt', ]
+    ntupleMaker.systematicsRegex = '(^MUON_.*)'
+    algSeq += ntupleMaker
+    treeFiller = createAlgorithm( 'CP::TreeFillerAlg', 'TreeFiller' )
+    treeFiller.TreeName = 'muons'
+    algSeq += treeFiller
+    return algSeq
diff --git a/PhysicsAnalysis/Algorithms/MuonAnalysisAlgorithms/share/ b/PhysicsAnalysis/Algorithms/MuonAnalysisAlgorithms/share/
index 05416046d0c7..76cbf2f37a5f 100755
--- a/PhysicsAnalysis/Algorithms/MuonAnalysisAlgorithms/share/
+++ b/PhysicsAnalysis/Algorithms/MuonAnalysisAlgorithms/share/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python
-# Copyright (C) 2002-2018 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+# Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
 # @author Nils Krumnack
@@ -56,82 +56,14 @@ job = ROOT.EL.Job()
 job.sampleHandler( sh )
 job.options().setDouble( ROOT.EL.Job.optMaxEvents, 500 )
-# Set up the systematics loader/handler algorithm:
-from AnaAlgorithm.AnaAlgorithmConfig import AnaAlgorithmConfig
-sysLoader = AnaAlgorithmConfig( 'CP::SysListLoaderAlg/SysLoaderAlg' )
-sysLoader.sigmaRecommended = 1
-job.algsAdd( sysLoader )
-# Include, and then set up the pileup analysis sequence:
-from AsgAnalysisAlgorithms.PileupAnalysisSequence import \
-    makePileupAnalysisSequence
-pileupSequence = makePileupAnalysisSequence( dataType )
-pileupSequence.configure( inputName = 'EventInfo', outputName = 'EventInfo' )
-print( pileupSequence ) # For debugging
-# Add the pileup algorithm(s) to the job:
-for alg in pileupSequence:
-    job.algsAdd( alg )
-    pass
-# Include, and then set up the muon analysis algorithm sequence:
-from MuonAnalysisAlgorithms.MuonAnalysisSequence import makeMuonAnalysisSequence
-muonSequenceMedium = makeMuonAnalysisSequence( dataType, deepCopyOutput = True, shallowViewOutput = False,
-                                               workingPoint = 'Medium.Iso', postfix = 'medium' )
-muonSequenceMedium.configure( inputName = 'Muons',
-                              outputName = 'AnalysisMuonsMedium_%SYS%' )
-print( muonSequenceMedium ) # For debugging
-# Add all algorithms to the job:
-for alg in muonSequenceMedium:
+from MuonAnalysisAlgorithms.MuonAnalysisAlgorithmsTest import makeSequence
+algSeq = makeSequence (dataType)
+print algSeq # For debugging
+for alg in algSeq:
     job.algsAdd( alg )
-muonSequenceTight = makeMuonAnalysisSequence( dataType, deepCopyOutput = True, shallowViewOutput = False,
-                                               workingPoint = 'Tight.Iso', postfix = 'tight' )
-muonSequenceTight.removeStage ("calibration")
-muonSequenceTight.configure( inputName = 'AnalysisMuonsMedium_%SYS%',
-                             outputName = 'AnalysisMuons_%SYS%',
-                             affectingSystematics = muonSequenceMedium.affectingSystematics())
-print( muonSequenceTight ) # For debugging
-# Add all algorithms to the job:
-for alg in muonSequenceTight:
-    job.algsAdd( alg )
-    pass
-# Add ntuple dumper algorithms:
-from AnaAlgorithm.DualUseConfig import createAlgorithm
-treeMaker = createAlgorithm( 'CP::TreeMakerAlg', 'TreeMaker' )
-treeMaker.TreeName = 'muons'
-job.algsAdd( treeMaker )
-ntupleMaker = createAlgorithm( 'CP::AsgxAODNTupleMakerAlg', 'NTupleMakerEventInfo' )
-ntupleMaker.TreeName = 'muons'
-ntupleMaker.Branches = [ 'EventInfo.runNumber     -> runNumber',
-                         'EventInfo.eventNumber   -> eventNumber', ]
-ntupleMaker.systematicsRegex = '(^$)'
-job.algsAdd( ntupleMaker )
-ntupleMaker = createAlgorithm( 'CP::AsgxAODNTupleMakerAlg', 'NTupleMakerMuons' )
-ntupleMaker.TreeName = 'muons'
-ntupleMaker.Branches = [ 'AnalysisMuons_NOSYS.eta -> mu_eta',
-                         'AnalysisMuons_NOSYS.phi -> mu_phi',
-                         '  -> mu_%SYS%_pt', ]
-ntupleMaker.systematicsRegex = '(^MUON_.*)'
-job.algsAdd( ntupleMaker )
-treeFiller = createAlgorithm( 'CP::TreeFillerAlg', 'TreeFiller' )
-treeFiller.TreeName = 'muons'
-job.algsAdd( treeFiller )
-# Set up a mini-xAOD writer algorithm:
-xaodWriter = AnaAlgorithmConfig( 'CP::xAODWriterAlg/xAODWriter' )
-xaodWriter.ItemList = \
-   [ 'xAOD::EventInfo#EventInfo',
-     'xAOD::EventAuxInfo#EventInfoAux.-',
-     'xAOD::MuonContainer#AnalysisMuons_NOSYS',
-     '' ]
-xaodWriter.systematicsRegex = '.*'
-job.algsAdd( xaodWriter )
 # Make sure that both the ntuple and the xAOD dumper have a stream to write to.
 job.outputAdd( ROOT.EL.OutputStream( 'ANALYSIS' ) )
diff --git a/PhysicsAnalysis/Algorithms/MuonAnalysisAlgorithms/share/ b/PhysicsAnalysis/Algorithms/MuonAnalysisAlgorithms/share/
index 695adade2709..b985c22d01c0 100644
--- a/PhysicsAnalysis/Algorithms/MuonAnalysisAlgorithms/share/
+++ b/PhysicsAnalysis/Algorithms/MuonAnalysisAlgorithms/share/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2002-2018 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+# Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
 # @author Nils Krumnack, Will Buttinger
@@ -42,66 +42,10 @@ elif dataType=="afii":
 jps.AthenaCommonFlags.FilesInput = [testFile]
-# Set up the systematics loader/handler algorithm:
-sysLoader = CfgMgr.CP__SysListLoaderAlg( 'SysLoaderAlg' )
-sysLoader.sigmaRecommended = 1
-athAlgSeq += sysLoader
-# Include, and then set up the pileup analysis sequence:
-from AsgAnalysisAlgorithms.PileupAnalysisSequence import \
-    makePileupAnalysisSequence
-pileupSequence = makePileupAnalysisSequence( dataType )
-pileupSequence.configure( inputName = 'EventInfo', outputName = 'EventInfo' )
-print( pileupSequence ) # For debugging
-# Add the pileup sequence to the job:
-athAlgSeq += pileupSequence
-# Include, and then set up the muon analysis algorithm sequence:
-from MuonAnalysisAlgorithms.MuonAnalysisSequence import makeMuonAnalysisSequence
-muonSequenceMedium = makeMuonAnalysisSequence( dataType, deepCopyOutput = True, shallowViewOutput = False,
-                                               workingPoint = 'Medium.Iso', postfix = 'medium' )
-muonSequenceMedium.configure( inputName = 'Muons',
-                              outputName = 'AnalysisMuonsMedium_%SYS%' )
-print( muonSequenceMedium ) # For debugging
-# Add the sequence to the job:
-athAlgSeq += muonSequenceMedium
-muonSequenceTight = makeMuonAnalysisSequence( dataType, deepCopyOutput = True, shallowViewOutput = False,
-                                               workingPoint = 'Tight.Iso', postfix = 'tight' )
-muonSequenceTight.removeStage ("calibration")
-muonSequenceTight.configure( inputName = 'AnalysisMuonsMedium_%SYS%',
-                             outputName = 'AnalysisMuons_%SYS%',
-                             affectingSystematics = muonSequenceMedium.affectingSystematics())
-print( muonSequenceTight ) # For debugging
-# Add the sequence to the job:
-athAlgSeq += muonSequenceTight
-# Add an ntuple dumper algorithm:
-from AnaAlgorithm.DualUseConfig import createAlgorithm
-treeMaker = createAlgorithm( 'CP::TreeMakerAlg', 'TreeMaker' )
-treeMaker.TreeName = 'muons'
-athAlgSeq += treeMaker
-ntupleMaker = createAlgorithm( 'CP::AsgxAODNTupleMakerAlg', 'NTupleMakerEventInfo' )
-ntupleMaker.TreeName = 'muons'
-ntupleMaker.Branches = [ 'EventInfo.runNumber     -> runNumber',
-                         'EventInfo.eventNumber   -> eventNumber', ]
-ntupleMaker.systematicsRegex = '(^$)'
-athAlgSeq += ntupleMaker
-ntupleMaker = createAlgorithm( 'CP::AsgxAODNTupleMakerAlg', 'NTupleMakerMuons' )
-ntupleMaker.TreeName = 'muons'
-ntupleMaker.Branches = [ 'AnalysisMuons_NOSYS.eta -> mu_eta',
-                         'AnalysisMuons_NOSYS.phi -> mu_phi',
-                         '  -> mu_%SYS%_pt', ]
-ntupleMaker.systematicsRegex = '(^MUON_.*)'
-athAlgSeq += ntupleMaker
-treeFiller = createAlgorithm( 'CP::TreeFillerAlg', 'TreeFiller' )
-treeFiller.TreeName = 'muons'
-athAlgSeq += treeFiller
+from MuonAnalysisAlgorithms.MuonAnalysisAlgorithmsTest import makeSequence
+algSeq = makeSequence (dataType)
+print algSeq # For debugging
 # Write a mini-xAOD if requested:
 if athArgs.write_xaod:

From 6043c33d2ceb2e5aade07dc0f93d109b5c2cd03d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Nils Krumnack <>
Date: Sat, 22 Jun 2019 11:57:04 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 6/7] merge algorithm test code between EventLoop and Athena

So far the algorithm test sequence was duplicated between EventLoop
and Athena.  Keeping them in sync was needlessly error-prone, so I now
merged them.
 .../python/       | 34 +++++++++++++++++++
 .../share/  | 32 +++--------------
 .../   | 27 +++------------
 3 files changed, 43 insertions(+), 50 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 PhysicsAnalysis/Algorithms/TauAnalysisAlgorithms/python/

diff --git a/PhysicsAnalysis/Algorithms/TauAnalysisAlgorithms/python/ b/PhysicsAnalysis/Algorithms/TauAnalysisAlgorithms/python/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..58ff38f97429
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PhysicsAnalysis/Algorithms/TauAnalysisAlgorithms/python/
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+# @author Nils Krumnack
+from AnaAlgorithm.AlgSequence import AlgSequence
+from AnaAlgorithm.DualUseConfig import createAlgorithm
+def makeSequence (dataType) :
+    algSeq = AlgSequence()
+    # Set up the systematics loader/handler algorithm:
+    sysLoader = createAlgorithm( 'CP::SysListLoaderAlg', 'SysLoaderAlg' )
+    sysLoader.sigmaRecommended = 1
+    algSeq += sysLoader
+    # Include, and then set up the tau analysis algorithm sequence:
+    from TauAnalysisAlgorithms.TauAnalysisSequence import makeTauAnalysisSequence
+    tauSequence = makeTauAnalysisSequence( dataType, 'Tight', postfix = 'tight' )
+    tauSequence.configure( inputName = 'TauJets', outputName = 'AnalysisTauJets' )
+    # Add the sequence to the job:
+    algSeq += tauSequence
+    # Include, and then set up the tau analysis algorithm sequence:
+    from TauAnalysisAlgorithms.DiTauAnalysisSequence import makeDiTauAnalysisSequence
+    diTauSequence = makeDiTauAnalysisSequence( dataType, 'Tight', postfix = 'tight' )
+    diTauSequence.configure( inputName = 'DiTauJets', outputName = 'AnalysisDiTauJets' )
+    # Add the sequence to the job:
+    # disabling this, the standard test files don't have DiTauJets
+    # algSeq += diTauSequence
+    return algSeq
diff --git a/PhysicsAnalysis/Algorithms/TauAnalysisAlgorithms/share/ b/PhysicsAnalysis/Algorithms/TauAnalysisAlgorithms/share/
index 80139ad8b6ac..2abbf38e0291 100755
--- a/PhysicsAnalysis/Algorithms/TauAnalysisAlgorithms/share/
+++ b/PhysicsAnalysis/Algorithms/TauAnalysisAlgorithms/share/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python
-# Copyright (C) 2002-2018 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+# Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
 # @author Nils Krumnack
@@ -61,35 +61,13 @@ job = ROOT.EL.Job()
 job.sampleHandler( sh )
 job.options().setDouble( ROOT.EL.Job.optMaxEvents, 500 )
-# Set up the systematics loader/handler algorithm:
-from AnaAlgorithm.AnaAlgorithmConfig import AnaAlgorithmConfig
-config = AnaAlgorithmConfig( 'CP::SysListLoaderAlg/SysLoaderAlg' )
-config.sigmaRecommended = 1
-job.algsAdd( config )
-# Include, and then set up the tau analysis algorithm sequence:
-from TauAnalysisAlgorithms.TauAnalysisSequence import makeTauAnalysisSequence
-tauSequence = makeTauAnalysisSequence( dataType, 'Tight', postfix = 'tight', deepCopyOutput = True )
-tauSequence.configure( inputName = 'TauJets', outputName = 'AnalysisTauJets' )
-print( tauSequence ) # For debugging
-# Add all algorithms to the job:
-for alg in tauSequence:
+from TauAnalysisAlgorithms.TauAnalysisAlgorithmsTest import makeSequence
+algSeq = makeSequence (dataType)
+print algSeq # For debugging
+for alg in algSeq:
     job.algsAdd( alg )
-# Include, and then set up the di-tau analysis algorithm sequence:
-from TauAnalysisAlgorithms.DiTauAnalysisSequence import makeDiTauAnalysisSequence
-diTauSequence = makeDiTauAnalysisSequence( dataType, 'Tight', postfix = 'tight', deepCopyOutput = True )
-diTauSequence.configure( inputName = 'DiTauJets', outputName = 'AnalysisDiTauJets' )
-print( diTauSequence ) # For debugging
-# Add all algorithms to the job:
-for alg in diTauSequence:
-    # disabling this, the standard test files don't have DiTauJets
-    # job.algsAdd( alg )
-    pass
 # Find the right output directory:
 submitDir = options.submission_dir
 if options.unit_test:
diff --git a/PhysicsAnalysis/Algorithms/TauAnalysisAlgorithms/share/ b/PhysicsAnalysis/Algorithms/TauAnalysisAlgorithms/share/
index fe2b4b2e1444..90d55476bd9c 100644
--- a/PhysicsAnalysis/Algorithms/TauAnalysisAlgorithms/share/
+++ b/PhysicsAnalysis/Algorithms/TauAnalysisAlgorithms/share/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2002-2018 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+# Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
 # @author Nils Krumnack
@@ -18,29 +18,10 @@ dataType = "data"
 #dataType = "mc"
 #dataType = "afii"
-# Set up the systematics loader/handler algorithm:
-sysLoader = CfgMgr.CP__SysListLoaderAlg( 'SysLoaderAlg' )
-sysLoader.sigmaRecommended = 1
-algSeq += sysLoader
-# Include, and then set up the tau analysis algorithm sequence:
-from TauAnalysisAlgorithms.TauAnalysisSequence import makeTauAnalysisSequence
-tauSequence = makeTauAnalysisSequence( dataType, 'Tight', postfix = 'tight' )
-tauSequence.configure( inputName = 'TauJets', outputName = 'AnalysisTauJets' )
-print( tauSequence ) # For debugging
-# Add the sequence to the job:
-algSeq += tauSequence
-# Include, and then set up the tau analysis algorithm sequence:
-from TauAnalysisAlgorithms.DiTauAnalysisSequence import makeDiTauAnalysisSequence
-diTauSequence = makeDiTauAnalysisSequence( dataType, 'Tight', postfix = 'tight' )
-diTauSequence.configure( inputName = 'DiTauJets', outputName = 'AnalysisDiTauJets' )
-print( diTauSequence ) # For debugging
-# Add the sequence to the job:
-# disabling this, the standard test files don't have DiTauJets
-# algSeq += diTauSequence
+from TauAnalysisAlgorithms.TauAnalysisAlgorithmsTest import makeSequence
+algSeq = makeSequence (dataType)
+print algSeq # For debugging
 # Set up a histogram output file for the job:
 ServiceMgr += CfgMgr.THistSvc()

From 6ab590107da568333b76623de92603860a970d6e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Nils Krumnack <>
Date: Sat, 22 Jun 2019 11:58:48 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 7/7] merge algorithm test code between EventLoop and Athena

So far the algorithm test sequence was duplicated between EventLoop
and Athena.  Keeping them in sync was needlessly error-prone, so I now
merged them.
 .../python/   | 49 +++++++++++++++++++
 .../share/      | 48 ++----------------
 .../share/ | 49 ++-----------------
 3 files changed, 55 insertions(+), 91 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 PhysicsAnalysis/Algorithms/TriggerAnalysisAlgorithms/python/

diff --git a/PhysicsAnalysis/Algorithms/TriggerAnalysisAlgorithms/python/ b/PhysicsAnalysis/Algorithms/TriggerAnalysisAlgorithms/python/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..c0d82335ddd0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PhysicsAnalysis/Algorithms/TriggerAnalysisAlgorithms/python/
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+# @author Tadej Novak
+# @author Nils Krumnack
+from AnaAlgorithm.AlgSequence import AlgSequence
+from AnaAlgorithm.DualUseConfig import createAlgorithm
+def makeSequence (dataType) :
+    # Config:
+    triggerChains = [
+        'HLT_2mu14',
+        'HLT_mu20_mu8noL1',
+        'HLT_2e17_lhvloose_nod0'
+        ]
+    algSeq = AlgSequence()
+    # Set up the systematics loader/handler algorithm:
+    alg = createAlgorithm( 'CP::SysListLoaderAlg', 'SysLoaderAlg' )
+    alg.sigmaRecommended = 1
+    algSeq += alg
+    # Include, and then set up the pileup analysis sequence:
+    from TriggerAnalysisAlgorithms.TriggerAnalysisSequence import \
+        makeTriggerAnalysisSequence
+    triggerSequence = makeTriggerAnalysisSequence( dataType, triggerChains=triggerChains )
+    algSeq += triggerSequence
+    # Set up an ntuple to check the job with:
+    treeMaker = createAlgorithm( 'CP::TreeMakerAlg', 'TreeMaker' )
+    treeMaker.TreeName = 'events'
+    algSeq += treeMaker
+    ntupleMaker = createAlgorithm( 'CP::AsgxAODNTupleMakerAlg', 'NTupleMaker' )
+    ntupleMaker.TreeName = 'events'
+    ntupleMaker.Branches = [
+        'EventInfo.runNumber   -> runNumber',
+        'EventInfo.eventNumber -> eventNumber',
+        ]
+    ntupleMaker.Branches += ['EventInfo.trigPassed_' + t + ' -> trigPassed_' + t for t in triggerChains]
+    ntupleMaker.systematicsRegex = '.*'
+    algSeq += ntupleMaker
+    treeFiller = createAlgorithm( 'CP::TreeFillerAlg', 'TreeFiller' )
+    treeFiller.TreeName = 'events'
+    algSeq += treeFiller
+    return algSeq
diff --git a/PhysicsAnalysis/Algorithms/TriggerAnalysisAlgorithms/share/ b/PhysicsAnalysis/Algorithms/TriggerAnalysisAlgorithms/share/
index 60373bbff543..dc2771ea81da 100755
--- a/PhysicsAnalysis/Algorithms/TriggerAnalysisAlgorithms/share/
+++ b/PhysicsAnalysis/Algorithms/TriggerAnalysisAlgorithms/share/
@@ -52,51 +52,9 @@ job = ROOT.EL.Job()
 job.sampleHandler( sh )
 job.options().setDouble( ROOT.EL.Job.optMaxEvents, 500 )
-# Config:
-triggerChains = [
-    'HLT_2mu14',
-    'HLT_mu20_mu8noL1',
-    'HLT_2e17_lhvloose_nod0'
-# Import(s) needed for the job configuration.
-from AnaAlgorithm.AlgSequence import AlgSequence
-from AnaAlgorithm.DualUseConfig import createAlgorithm
-# Set up the main analysis algorithm sequence.
-algSeq = AlgSequence( 'AnalysisSequence' )
-# Set up the systematics loader/handler algorithm:
-algSeq += createAlgorithm( 'CP::SysListLoaderAlg', 'SysLoaderAlg' )
-algSeq.SysLoaderAlg.sigmaRecommended = 1
-# Include, and then set up the pileup analysis sequence:
-from TriggerAnalysisAlgorithms.TriggerAnalysisSequence import \
-    makeTriggerAnalysisSequence
-triggerSequence = makeTriggerAnalysisSequence( dataType, triggerChains=triggerChains )
-algSeq += triggerSequence
-# Set up an ntuple to check the job with:
-treeMaker = createAlgorithm( 'CP::TreeMakerAlg', 'TreeMaker' )
-treeMaker.TreeName = 'events'
-algSeq += treeMaker
-ntupleMaker = createAlgorithm( 'CP::AsgxAODNTupleMakerAlg', 'NTupleMaker' )
-ntupleMaker.TreeName = 'events'
-ntupleMaker.Branches = [
-    'EventInfo.runNumber   -> runNumber',
-    'EventInfo.eventNumber -> eventNumber',
-ntupleMaker.Branches += ['EventInfo.trigPassed_' + t + ' -> trigPassed_' + t for t in triggerChains]
-ntupleMaker.systematicsRegex = '.*'
-algSeq += ntupleMaker
-treeFiller = createAlgorithm( 'CP::TreeFillerAlg', 'TreeFiller' )
-treeFiller.TreeName = 'events'
-algSeq += treeFiller
-# For debugging.
-print( algSeq )
-# Add all algorithms from the sequence to the job.
+from TriggerAnalysisAlgorithms.TriggerAnalysisAlgorithmsTest import makeSequence
+algSeq = makeSequence (dataType)
+print algSeq # For debugging
 for alg in algSeq:
     job.algsAdd( alg )
diff --git a/PhysicsAnalysis/Algorithms/TriggerAnalysisAlgorithms/share/ b/PhysicsAnalysis/Algorithms/TriggerAnalysisAlgorithms/share/
index 19eba0065dad..b36f226e6262 100644
--- a/PhysicsAnalysis/Algorithms/TriggerAnalysisAlgorithms/share/
+++ b/PhysicsAnalysis/Algorithms/TriggerAnalysisAlgorithms/share/
@@ -17,52 +17,9 @@ theApp.EvtMax = 500
 testFile = os.getenv ( inputfile[dataType] )
 svcMgr.EventSelector.InputCollections = [testFile]
-# Config:
-triggerChains = [
-    'HLT_2mu14',
-    'HLT_mu20_mu8noL1',
-    'HLT_2e17_lhvloose_nod0'
-# Import(s) needed for the job configuration.
-from AnaAlgorithm.AlgSequence import AlgSequence
-from AnaAlgorithm.DualUseConfig import createAlgorithm
-# Set up the main analysis algorithm sequence.
-algSeq = AlgSequence( 'AnalysisSequence' )
-# Set up the systematics loader/handler algorithm:
-algSeq += createAlgorithm( 'CP::SysListLoaderAlg', 'SysLoaderAlg' )
-algSeq.SysLoaderAlg.sigmaRecommended = 1
-# Include, and then set up the pileup analysis sequence:
-from TriggerAnalysisAlgorithms.TriggerAnalysisSequence import \
-    makeTriggerAnalysisSequence
-triggerSequence = makeTriggerAnalysisSequence( dataType, triggerChains=triggerChains )
-algSeq += triggerSequence
-# Set up an ntuple to check the job with:
-treeMaker = createAlgorithm( 'CP::TreeMakerAlg', 'TreeMaker' )
-treeMaker.TreeName = 'events'
-athAlgSeq += treeMaker
-ntupleMaker = createAlgorithm( 'CP::AsgxAODNTupleMakerAlg', 'NTupleMaker' )
-ntupleMaker.TreeName = 'events'
-ntupleMaker.Branches = [
-    'EventInfo.runNumber   -> runNumber',
-    'EventInfo.eventNumber -> eventNumber',
-ntupleMaker.Branches += ['EventInfo.trigPassed_' + t + ' -> trigPassed_' + t for t in triggerChains]
-ntupleMaker.systematicsRegex = '.*'
-algSeq += ntupleMaker
-treeFiller = createAlgorithm( 'CP::TreeFillerAlg', 'TreeFiller' )
-treeFiller.TreeName = 'events'
-athAlgSeq += treeFiller
-# For debugging.
-print( algSeq )
-# Add all algorithms from the sequence to the job.
-athAlgSeq += algSeq
+from TriggerAnalysisAlgorithms.TriggerAnalysisAlgorithmsTest import makeSequence
+algSeq = makeSequence (dataType)
+print algSeq # For debugging
 # Set up a histogram output file for the job:
 ServiceMgr += CfgMgr.THistSvc()