Add "illegal instruction" to check_log patterns
Adding a pattern to be able to detect failures due to instruction set mismatch, like happened here:
i.e. when TUT grid tests ran on a site not supporting SSE4.2 instructions used in Gaudi.
Merge request reports
added alsoTargeting:21.0 alsoTargeting:21.1 alsoTargeting:21.3 labels
added Trigger master review-pending-level-1 labels
Tagging @okumura for information
CI Result SUCCESSAthena AthSimulation externals cmake make required tests optional tests Full details available at NICOS MR-24401-2019-06-24-03-59
Athena: number of compilation errors 0, warnings 0
AthSimulation: number of compilation errors 0, warnings 0
For experts only: Jenkins output [CI-MERGE-REQUEST-CC7 606]added review-approved label and removed review-pending-level-1 label
mentioned in commit 0bddef34
added sweep:done label
mentioned in commit 7cacc98e
mentioned in merge request !24423 (merged)
mentioned in commit 0e68f79b
mentioned in merge request !24424 (merged)
added sweep:failed label
Sweep summary
successful:- 21.1
- 21.3
(see for details)failed:
- 21.0
mentioned in commit 07725f85
mentioned in commit f7e43b14
mentioned in merge request !26017 (merged)
mentioned in commit e5917b77
Hi, just to remind you there is a failed sweep in this MR. Note that the terminal state of all production branch merge requests is one of sweep:ignore or sweep:done. If your merge request gets labelled as sweep:failed you must take action:
If the change should be moved to the master branch then adapt the patch and create a new merge request. One useful workflow is to make a new branch from of master, then execute git cherry-pick -m 1 XXX, where XXX is the commit hash of the merge (accessible from the merge request page; -m 1 simply refers to the first of the two parents in the merge). This will identify the cause of the conflict, allowing you to use git’s conflict resolutions tools such as git mergetool -t meld to fix the conflicts. If the change should just be ignored, make a comment to that effect on the original merge request.
In both cases, unset the sweep:failed label and set the sweep:ignore one signalling that the situation is resolved.
mentioned in merge request !29032 (merged)
Thanks for the reminder, done as part of !29032 (merged)
removed sweep:failed label