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Offline Naming Convention

This is a replacement for !24271 (closed), which was too hard to fix.

Here, I am implementing the offline monitoring naming convention of
/run_XXXXXX/lb_YYY/... for single-lb histograms,
/run_XXXXXX/run/... for entire runs, and
/run_XXXXXX/lowStat_LBYYY-ZZZ/... for lowstat (20 lumi block) periods.

Other details:

  1. AthMonitorCfgHelper sets the naming convention to OFFLINE.
  2. The HistogramDef struct contains two new members:
    • convention: Informs the HistogramFillerFactory to use the OfflineHistogramProvider.
    • tld: inserts a set of directories between the THistSvc stream and the group name. In this case, /run_/lb_/, but is available for any other uses of a HistogramFactory. Defaults to an empty string when not used.

Tagging the usual suspects: @pisarna @tbold @ponyisi


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