updates egamma track summary tool configuration to be compatible with ITK updates, and in line with InDet version of the tool.
As seen here, when running recent ITK geometries in 21.9, there are problems in egamma:
05:15:37 egamma FATAL Standard std::exception is caught
05:15:37 egamma ERROR bitset::test: __position (which is 35) >= _Nb (which is 25)
05:15:37 AlgErrorAuditor ERROR Illegal Return Code: Algorithm egamma reported an ERROR, but returned a StatusCode "SUCCESS"
This is related to the increased number of layers in these geometries, which exceeds the size of the bitset. This is addressed in changes here, which require configuration updates as made in this MR to be triggered.
This does not impact anything outside ITK reconstruction (checked with RunTier0Tests). It would be great if (upgrade)egamma experts like @rnaranjo, @jezequel could check that they are happy with the way this is done. The checking for isUpgrade
is based on what is done here.