Enable the use of the IDC cache containers in the muon data decoding for the trigger MT setup.
Changes made:
- CscROD_Decoder: return from the rodVersion functions when the collection is found in the cache (otherwise code would crash in this part of the code).
- TGC_RodDecoderReadout & MdtROD_Decoder: add counters to monitor fraction of cached access.
- MuonSetup: Pass the cache container names to the RAW data provider tools. Also switch off writing of RPC sector logic (not needed when running the trigger).
I checked the standard test:
athena.py --imf --perfmon --threads 1 --concurrent-events 1 --filesInput /cvmfs/atlas-nightlies.cern.ch/repo/data/data-art/TrigP1Test/data17_13TeV.00327265.physics_EnhancedBias.merge.RAW._lb0100._SFO-1._0001.1 --evtMax 200 --skipEvents 0 -c 'doEmptyMenu=True;doMuonSlice=True' TrigUpgradeTest/full_menu.py
runs fine with the changes.