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SUSY6 derivation for soft-pion analysis

Matthew Gignac requested to merge mgignac/athena:SUSY6-softPion into 21.2


This merge request implements a number of features needed for the soft-pion SUSY higgsino efforts:

  • Implements usage of InDetTrackSelectionTool in TrackParticleThinning thinning tool. Default behaviour is preserved: if track selection tool is provided, use it, otherwise use the text parser
  • Implements usage of InDetTrackSelectionTool into VertexParticleThinning; tracks can be preselected using the tool, and a configurable number of tracks passing the selection tool need to be found to keep a vertex. Vertices failing this criteria are thinned, and all others having links to original track container are preserved.
  • Implement thinning tools above into SUSY6; controlled by AMITag. Only schedule the above when running over r11571 and r11620. This was preferred over implementing a new DAOD.

These updates are meant to run over reprocessed RPVLL DRAW datasets. Without these developments, the DAOD size was 22-30%, and implementing the necessary thinning developments above reduced the DAOD size to 4-8% of the AOD size (averaged from tests run on 3 signal samples, and 6 data samples). Although still a little large, the analysis this will used for is only reprocessed data and a small number of signal samples. I've also confirmed that these changes don't affect the 'default' SUSY6 configuration by running over a non re-processed data sample and confirmed that the output is identical.

Cheers, Matthew

Tagging @hoide, @kpachal , @amorley , @pagessin, @rysawada , @mmorinag

Edited by Matthew Gignac

Merge request reports
