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AnalysisTop: adding soft muons in the framework

Marco Vanadia requested to merge mvanadia/athena:21.2-SMTImplementationInAT into 21.2

Implementation of soft muons in AnalysisTop, see ANALYSISTO-873

The following options can be used in the config file (here with default values):

UseSoftMuons True #default is False

SoftMuonQuality Tight #LowPt, Loose, Medium, Tight

SoftMuonPt 4000.

SoftMuonEta 2.4

SoftMuonDRJet 0.4 #can be set to 999 if no selection has to be applied here

I added also a selector, that can be used e.g. as

SOFTMU_N 6500 >= 1

The soft muon 4-vector, d0, d0sig, z0*sintheta, truth origin, truth type, isPrompt are saved. Also reco SFs are saved FOR EACH soft muon, to allow then the user to do what he/she wants with that.

Incidentally, this MR also fixes a bug for forward electrons in the OR procedure.

Edited by Marco Vanadia

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