Introduction of A Common CaloExtrapolation Algorithm Which Saves Extrapolations To Be Read Elsewhere
Step: RAWtoESD New Files in: TrackToCalo Affected Directories: eflow, tauRec, tauRecTools, RecExCommon Tests: -- RunTier0Tests.log Test Nightly: nightly/master/2019-10-21T2131
A storage gate has been created which holds track extrapolations before tau and pflow run such that they will read from the cache instead of calculating. Shared tracks are extrapolated once rather than twice, thus saving CPU. New files have been introduced to TrackToCalo that hold the algorithm which performs the extrapolation. Redundancies have been introduced to tau/eflow such that no runtime crashes happen if there is no extrapolation in the cache. All tests pass as shown in the log file.
Edited by Mark Hodgkinson