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Grooming scan updates to JETMX derivations

Jennifer Roloff requested to merge jroloff/athena:JETM1_groomingscan into 21.2

The grooming scan is nearing completion, which means that we will be using a new large-R jet definition. This MR adds several jet definitions to JETM1, JETM6, and JETM8 based on the conclusions of these studies. In particular, 3 jet collections are added to JETM6 and JETM8, one of which is expected to be the final definition. These and a few more jet definitions are added to JETM1, in order to provide a more detailed study of the interplay between grooming and pileup mitigation.

I am also adding a tool for obtaining zg and rg (SoftDropObservablesTool), which may be relevant for the calibration of these and other jets.

Tagging many of the JetEtMiss conveners and subconveners, since it will be used by three different subgroups.

@sschramm @cdelitzs @mleblanc @jveatch @adattagu @xingguo @dmelini

Marked as urgent because we cannot move forward with large-R recommendations without these in the derivations.

Edited by Jennifer Roloff

Merge request reports
