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Modifications to permit skimming of DAOD_PHYS with derivation framework

Merged James Catmore requested to merge jcatmore/athena:21.2-D2AOD into 21.2
  1. Nov 09, 2019
  2. Nov 05, 2019
    • James Catmore's avatar
      Removing unnecessary comment line · 6a6d7b33
      James Catmore authored
    • James Catmore's avatar
      WIP: modifications to permit skimming of DAOD_PHYS with derivation framework · df14719b
      James Catmore authored
      This MR makes a number of alterations to the derivation framework and the job transforms executors to enable the skimming of DAOD_PHYS using the derivation framework machinery. The changes allow commands of this type:
      ''' --inputDAOD_PHYSFile DAOD_PHYS.pool.root --outputD2AODFile test.pool.root --reductionConf SKIMTEST
      where SKIMTEST is a test format set up to test this workflow. The changes made are as follows:
      - alterations to job transforms to add a new executor DAOD_PHYS->D2AOD_NAME, with NAME being the required skim-only format
      - changes to job transforms framework to account for this new executor
      - writing a length-one vector of Athena-readable event generator weights into DAOD_PHYS to stop the inputFilePeeker from complaining when it reads DAOD_PHYS
      Formats that are to be skimmed from DAOD_PHYS will need to be set up or modified specifically - existing formats won't generally work as-is, as they use AOD-level information.