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WIP: RPCCablingSvc MT migration test

Jun Yan requested to merge juyan/athena:master-RPCCablingMT-test into master

This MR is created for solving the issue that qtest run very very slow using new Alg. The new Alg, CondData, and useful headers are added. The code in the for loop run very slow reading raw data. It's migrated from CablingRPC. This is the log file for the incomplete qtest431:

And the script to run qtest:

cd ../build setupATLAS lsetup git asetup --restore cd ../run

source ../build/x*/

rm -rf test_q431 mkdir test_q431 cd test_q431 --AMI q431 --maxEvents 10 >& log_q431.txt & cd ../

rm -rf test_q221 mkdir test_q221 cd test_q221 --AMI q221 --maxEvents 10 >& log_q221.txt & cd ../

Merge request reports
