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fixing PLV input variable name, fixing int - short type mismatch, bugs in input variable order

Shunichi Akatsuka requested to merge sakatsuk/athena:IsoPLV_fix into 21.2

There are three updates in this MR:

  1. The naming convention and ordering of Low-Pt PLV input variables has been updated, so that it matches with the one for "Nominal" PLV defined in LeptonTaggers package. (The variables are listed here). This requires some modification of the xml files, and I've created a new xml files, which I will put in the Calib area soon.
  2. This MR has changed the accessor type to short, and therefore we need to change one line in the code. (l. 141)
  3. Finally I've realized that I've had wrong assignment of the input variables-- m_varTMVA_Muon[0] should have been be ptvarcone30 and m_varTMVA_Muon[1] should have been topoetcone20, but it was wrong way around. Same thing for electrons. I've fixed these parts as well. (Because of update 1., it is a bit difficult to spot the changes, but you can see that they're all assigned correctly now)

I've tested that they run ok without errors. I've also checked that the new xml files return exactly the same score for the same set of input variables.

Merge request reports
