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Resolve first part of ATLTAU-1639 "21.2 "

Michael Hubner requested to merge mihuebne/athena:21.2-ATLTAU-1639 into 21.2

Resolves first part of ATLTAU-1639

Replace duplicate checkTruthMatch() function with general getTruthMatchType() in HelperFunctions because it does not rely on any class object information. TauTruthMatchingTool will return the result of the new function in HelperFunctions.

Tested with TauAnalysisToolsExample on one file from mc16_13TeV.345123.PowhegPy8EG_NNLOPS_nnlo_30_ggH125_tautauh30h20.merge.AOD.e5814_e5984_s3126_r10201_r10210.

Merge request reports
