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HltEventLoopMgr: Use forced run number / time stamp in EventID

Rafal Bielski requested to merge rbielski/athena:hlt-override-timestamp into master

The point of forcing run number / SOR time was to use the right conditions when running at P1 with preloaded data. Right now, we create the correct conditions objects, but for timestamp-based conditions, the ReadCondHandles still expect ones valid for time specified in EventID. This leads to a stall as the inputs with the (wrongly) expected time are not available. The easiest solution is to override the timestamp (and run number for consistency) also in the EventID. Closes ATR-20249.

Tested with: -C "from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ServiceMgr as svcMgr; svcMgr.HltEventLoopMgr.forceRunNumber=327265; svcMgr.HltEventLoopMgr.forceStartOfRunTime=1497890693000000000;" -n 20 -f /cvmfs/ TrigUpgradeTest/

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