21.0 RPVLL filters for displaced Taus added
RPVLL processing filter for displaced Tau searches added.
New Tau Filters targeting hadronically decaying tau leptons from long-lived decays. Minimal implementation: single/di-tau and tau+MET triggers targeting late 2018 data. Only RNN triggers to be used for end-of-2019 reprocessing. Implementation follows what is done for other RPVLL filters.
Merge request reports
added 21.0 label
added Analysis review-pending-level-1 labels
- Resolved by Javier Montejo Berlingen
Hi @ghamity,
Could you please link to some slides showing some studies for this? In particular it would be great to see the rates you expect, and how well this works for signal, of course :)
Best, Christian
CI Result SUCCESS (hash 48252bb4)Athena AthDataQuality AthSimulation externals cmake make required tests optional tests Full details available on this CI monitor view
Athena: number of compilation errors 0, warnings 78
AthDataQuality: number of compilation errors 0, warnings 0
AthSimulation: number of compilation errors 0, warnings 0
For experts only: Jenkins output [CI-MERGE-REQUEST 41691]@ctreado commented the following via email just now:
Sorry, I didn't see this thread until now. Yes, this implementation looks good, although if you want to use the TriggerAPI-generated triggers in your trigger list, you have to add the "apitriggers" list to the "triggers" list. This is irrelevant right now, though, since the issue with the TriggerAPI has not been resolved, so the tool should be turned off before reprocessing to make sure old triggers aren't being pulled from old menus. It can be turned off by setting "doRPVLLTriggerAPI" to false. There were some issues shutting it off from the preExec, so it should just be hardcoded for now, here: https://gitlab.cern.ch/atlas/athena/blob/21.0/PhysicsAnalysis/SUSYPhys/LongLivedParticleDPDMaker/python/RPVLLTriggers.py#L194-199. Can we include this in the merge request?
I am not familiar with the TriggerAPI and am hoping we can get some help understanding this situation. If you agree that turning this off in the JOs is the best way to proceed, then @ghamity can you add a commit doing so?
Thanks! Kate
Hi @kpachal,
Your co-convener @jmontejo knows a thing or two about this tool, so he should feel free to correct/complement what I say
The TriggerAPI tool was developed so that triggers wouldn't need to be hardcoded in the trigger-based selections for derivations, DRAWs and DESDs. The idea is you as a client say "I want the lowest unprescaled MET trigger" and the tool picks the right one for each run, resolved at run-time when it looks at the input file and knows what menu was used.
We wanted this for DRAW_RPVLL and Colleen integrated it, but there seemed to be problems still with it. I didn't follow in great detail the last year or so, so I'm not sure what the specific issues were.
Best, Christian
Edited by Christian OhmHi @ctreado ,
I wrote the TriggerAPI tool but I don't know what problems you are referring to, sorry if I missed that.
Was the
flag used for previous reprocessings? It seems that the flags have hardcoded triggers defined and then add more triggers from the API. https://gitlab.cern.ch/atlas/athena/blob/21.0/PhysicsAnalysis/SUSYPhys/LongLivedParticleDPDMaker/python/DVFlags.pyI'd be worried if we used the flag in the past, in case some filters forgot to hardcode triggers, got them from the API, and would lose them now.
Cheers, Javier
Edited by Javier Montejo BerlingenHi all,
Please resolve all open threads/points and then re-add the review-pending-level-1 label.
MLB (L1)
added review-user-action-required label and removed review-pending-level-1 label
Hi @jmontejo , from a glance through various relevant requests this morning I've only seen it turned off (here: https://its.cern.ch/jira/browse/DATREP-156). It did seem as though disabling it worked from the preExec though, or at least that's what was done for the 2018-only reprocessing?
@ctreado can probably confirm if doRPVLLTriggerAPI has ever been used in practice though - I am not entirely confident saying no.
Just want to make the point that we are bypassing the use of the trigger API tool in my implementation, due to requiring subsets of the lowest unprescaled triggers. I developed the selection using the API tool, but in this merge request, our triggers are hard coded.
@kpachal @ctreado , I can add the lines of code that are being requested. Just want a confirmation on how to do this to the merger request itself. Should I just commit to the same development branch I am trying to merge?
Regards, G
Edited by Guillermo Nicolas HamitySorry for any earlier confusion. I did in fact fix the doRPVLLTriggerAPI function to be able to be turned off and on from the command line, so no additional changes are needed for this in the merge request.
To get the accurate list of triggers for each filter, it is advisable to set 'from LongLivedParticleDPDMaker.RPVLLTriggers import rpvllTrig; rpvllTrig.doRPVLLTriggerAPI=False;' in the preExec for now when running the reprocessing since there is still an issue with the RPVLLTriggers implementation, where the TriggerAPI tool is reading from the wrong trigger menu. But @jmontejo is correct that this flag was not set during the last reprocessing, but if I remember correctly, the TriggerAPI was not even integrated into the RPVLL code until AFTER the reprocessing.
Thanks, Colleen
Edited by Colleen Jennifer Treadoadded review-pending-level-1 label
removed review-user-action-required label
- Resolved by Christian Ohm
Thanks @ctreado !
@cohm , just to round up the open discussion above, this MR does increase the rate by ~double when the triggers in question are active. But they were only available for around 15 ifb of 2018 data. So the average rate increase resulting from this change, over the full Run 2 data, is about 1%. If you're happy with this, could you resolve the above discussion and we'll move ahead?
Cheers, Kate
- Resolved by Javier Montejo Berlingen
- Resolved by Javier Montejo Berlingen
added review-user-action-required label and removed review-pending-level-1 label
added 1 commit
- f60a4166 - RPVLL Tau filters: Update (CC) dates to include 2019
added review-pending-level-1 label and removed review-user-action-required label
CI Result SUCCESS (hash f60a4166)Athena AthDataQuality AthSimulation externals cmake make required tests optional tests Full details available on this CI monitor view
Athena: number of compilation errors 0, warnings 0
AthDataQuality: number of compilation errors 0, warnings 0
AthSimulation: number of compilation errors 0, warnings 0
For experts only: Jenkins output [CI-MERGE-REQUEST 41766]added review-pending-level-2 label and removed review-pending-level-1 label
added urgent label
added review-approved label and removed review-pending-level-2 label
Hi @ghamity,
Could you also please add ATLAS Robot as developer to your fork (https://atlassoftwaredocs.web.cern.ch/gittutorial/gitlab-fork/#add-your-friendly-build-bot)?
Tadej (L2)
Hi @tadej , just did it. G
It's been approved so I do not see any issues that it shouldn't be merged soon. But it's now up to PROC (@pottgen).
mentioned in commit a09e8b5f
added sweep:done label
added sweep:failed label
Hi @tadej ,
I see that there is a sweep:failed flagged activated by the nightly build. Is this an issue? It seems to be related to the master which we did not merge to. I am offline all day today. G
Hi @ghamity, you'll have to manually provide the change for master.
Hi @ghamity ,
Just to clarify - you don't have to deal with this today, and don't have to worry about it in general until r22.
Cheers, Kate
Hi, from the git tutorial [1] :
If, as a developer you know in advance that the merge request you have created cannot be moved to the master branch then set the sweep:ignore label. This will tell the cherry picking script to ignore this merge request.
Note that the terminal state of all production branch merge requests is one of sweep:ignore or sweep:done. If your merge request gets labelled as sweep:failed you must take action:
If the change should be moved to the master branch then adapt the patch and create a new merge request. One useful workflow is to make a new branch from of master, then execute git cherry-pick -m 1 XXX, where XXX is the commit hash of the merge (accessible from the merge request page; -m 1 simply refers to the first of the two parents in the merge). This will identify the cause of the conflict, allowing you to use git’s conflict resolutions tools such as git mergetool -t meld to fix the conflicts. If the change should just be ignored, make a comment to that effect on the original merge request.
In both cases, unset the sweep:failed label and set the sweep:ignore one signalling that the situation is resolved.
[1] https://atlassoftwaredocs.web.cern.ch/gittutorial/merge-request/#cherry-picking-aka-sweeps
added sweep:ignore label and removed sweep:failed label
mentioned in merge request !28989 (merged)
mentioned in commit 1e705b32