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Adding GSC variables for large-R jets to JETM1

This MR does the following:

JETM1 changes:

  • Add the pFlow fJVT decoration
  • Add MVfJVT variables for EMTopo jets
  • Add necessary variables for a possible large-R jets GSC calibration via ExtraVariables
  • Remove UFOCSSK ungroomed jets from the veto list and add to the smart slimming list (there's a plan to calibrate these)
  • Remove TCC jets

Other changes:

  • Commented the building of R = 0.4 LCTopo jets without pT cut. This was specifically commented out and not removed from the code as this might be needed in the near future again but is currently not supported.
  • Remove GhostBHadronFinalCount from smart slimming lists of various jet collections (this variable is only needed for corresponding truth jets)
Edited by Chris Malena Delitzsch

Merge request reports
