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TrigConfData restructure

Prior all DataStructure-derived classes were holding a copy of the ptree that they were constructed from. Now they hold either a reference (ptree*) or own the original (shared_ptr).

Basically the objects L1Menu, HLTMenu, and L1-/HLTPrescaleSet will hold the ptree created from the json files. All sub structures will only have a pointer to the sub-tree which is part of the big ptree.

This avoids copying ptree's around and inflating the size of the menu. Accessing menu information is more performant.

The MR also contains an extension of the L1 menu, where items are marked "legacy" if they contain a threshold from the old L1Calo or L1Topo

The L1Menu json files are now created by default in the release, as was done with the xml files before.

The MC_pp_v8.json menu matches now the LS2_v1.xml menu for the run 2 thresholds and for those L1 items that are used by the HLT.

Merge request reports
