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Adding PFlowJets, large-R RC jets, and GhostAssociation to calibrated jets to EXOT3

Dear all,

we from the Dark Jet Resonance analysis are using the EXOT3 derivation format. From our studies, we have concluded that we would benefit from some additions to our derivations that I implemented. These include:

  • Adding AntiKt4EMPFlowJets to use them for reclustering to R=1.0 jets.
  • Adding reclustered R=1.0 jets, based either on AntiKt4TruthJets or AntiKt4EMPFlowJets
  • Adding more truth info, such as the number of charged particles through a new tool developed by @mgenest as well as GhostTruthAssociation links of our default small-R and large-R jets to the corresponding truth jets

From my local test runs based on 1000 events with and, I saw that my additions would increase the data derivation size by about 12% from 5.0 MB to 5.6 MB, and the mc derivation size by about 24% from 27.7 MB to 34.4 MB (P.S. with the most recent nightlies, my MC test script crashes, but I heard this is a known feature)

Best, Jannik

Tagging @guescini and @miochoa

Edited by Jannik Geisen

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