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Custom jet track-vertex association for HIGG1D1 derivation

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@@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ TrackVertexAssociationTool::MatchStatus TrackVertexAssociationTool::isMatch(cons
// If vertex fit information is flagged to be used,
if(m_doUsedInFit) {
if(trk.vertex()==&vx) { // check whether the track is used for the given vertex fit
if(trk.vertex() && trk.vertex()->index() == vx.index()) { // check whether the track is used for the given vertex fit
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("This track is used to fit the vertex");
return UsedInFit;
} else if (trk.vertex()!=0) { // otherwise, automatically return UnMatch if it was used in another vertex fit