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genCLIDDB: Support running without input file

Frank Winklmeier requested to merge fwinkl/athena:genclid into master

Main change for genCLIDDB is to support running without a clid.db input file. If the executable is run without --input/-i option, it now assumes that no input file is used. To restore the previous behavior, one needs to explicitly specify -i clidb.db. As a next step this will allow the removal of the dummy_clid.db in atlasexternals.

In addition, major code cleanup and reduce the number of messages printed when creating the CLID database:


Generating clid.db for package LArG4FastSimSvc.
Resulting clid.db will be written to /scratch/fwinkl/py3/LArCalorimeter/LArG4/LArG4FastSimSvc/LArG4FastSimSvc_clid.db.
JobOptionsSvc        INFO Job options successfully read in from CLIDComps/minimalPrintout.opts
ApplicationMgr       INFO Application Manager Configured successfully
ApplicationMgr       INFO Application Manager Initialized successfully
Reading clid.db from /scratch/fwinkl/py3/LArCalorimeter/LArG4/LArG4FastSimSvc/dummy_clid.db.


JobOptionsSvc        INFO Job options successfully read in from CLIDComps/minimalPrintout.opts
genCLIDDB            INFO Writing clid.db for package LArG4FastSimSvc to /scratch/fwinkl/py3/LArCalorimeter/LArG4/LArG4FastSimSvc/LArG4FastSimSvc_clid.db.

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