Updated recommendations from MCP on MuonMomentumCorrections
This merge request is mainly done to include the latest available muon momentum corrections (labeled as Recs2020_03_03) to the 21.2 releases.
As we are anyway too late for this release, we are changing the location of the calibration files. As soon as those are replicated to /cvmfs we will remove the WIP: and proceed with the merge.
Here is a list of all the changes that were introduced in this version of the package:
- MuonCalibrationAndSmearingTool and MuonCalibrationPeriodTool have been updated to automatically pick up the latest available calibrations (Recs2020_03_03).
Please note that, starting from this version, the calibration files are stored in a sub-directory of
with the same name of the corrections' release. - A new property has been introduced (AddExtraDecorations) to allow the (expert) user to add extra decorations to an xAOD::Muon object corrected by the tool for debugging purposes. This property is set to False by default and should only be used by experts.
- A new property has been introduced (do2StationsHighPt) to included appropriate momentum corrections for two-station muons passing the HighPt selection criteria. This property is set to False by default and should only be activated by those users of the HighPt selection that are also including good two-station muons. This feature applies only to muons with pT > 300 GeV.
- A new property has been introduced (doExtraSmearing) to allow users (not explicitly using the HighPt selection) to check whether their analysis is sensitive to resolution effects for highly energetic muons. This property is set to False by default. This feature applies only to muons with pT > 300 GeV.
- A general cleanup of some parts of the tool has been made (especially those concerning MeV->GeV and GeV->MeV conversions)
- The code in
, used by experts for debugging purposes has also been improved to follow these latest developments. This, however, should not have any impact on the standard ATLAS user.
In order to pick up the correct information for the different types of muons and apply the appropriate corrections, MuonCalibrationAndSmearingTool now uses an instance of the MuonSelectionTool internally.
Edited by Giacomo Artoni