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Add the wrapper tool for the application of EGamma MC variable corrections

In MR !30290 (merged), I added a tool ElectronPhotonVariableCorrectionTool for the application of MC variable corrections to be used in EGamma derivations. This tool is designed to correct single variables on single EGamma objects.

In order to correct several variables on a single EGamma object simultaneously, I developed a tool ElectronPhotonVariableCorrectionToolWrapper.

Users can correct EGamma photons and electrons by providing a list of configuration files readable by the ElectronPhotonVariableCorrectionTool. The functionality is described in the README.

This tool was developed in coordination with the EGamma conveners (@boonekam @jdevivi @jmaurer) as part of my qualification task.

Edited by Nils Gillwald

Merge request reports
