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Turning the trigger navigatio thinning off in SUSY1

Alvaro Lopez Solis requested to merge alopezso/athena:YourBranchName into 21.2

Dear all,

Due to the recent discovery that turning b-jet thinning off in debc39e5 doesn't work for the data18, we adopted the same strategy that in TopQ4:

To avoid doing a MR everytime that we need to produce samples turning the b-jet thinning off, I have created a file (stored in DerivationFrameworkSUSY/python/) with a flag that can be turned on in the preExec when defining the cache. The defined flag only affects SUSY1 and should not have any influence in any other format.

Implementing the solution to issue : . Tagging @msaimper


Alvaro Lopez

Edited by Alvaro Lopez Solis

Merge request reports
