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Trig egamma Monitoring, Create separate packages to MT version (Run3) and back the legacy version.

Dear All

Trigger e/g monitoring package update:

  • In order to use the Run2 monitoring framework in master, we decided to restore the TrigEgammaAnalysisTools, TrigEgammaMatchingTool and TrigEgammaEmulationTool to the last version in master before all these changes;
  • All developments for Run 3 (extensively discussed in the previously MR and now in the master) was moved to TrigEgammaAnalysisToolsMT and TrigEgammaMatchingToolMT;
  • The Run 2 monitoring was restore in TrigEgammaMonitoringTool and a new one (Run 3) was create in this package;

For review people:

  • All codes in TrigEgamma(Analysis/Monitoring/Matching/Emulation)Tools was restore from the previously version in master;
  • All codes in all MT tools was reviewed and discussed in this MR(28633);

Tested using:



Next steps after this MR:

  • As we have a separation now, The next MR will be focus to clean up the matching tool MT (since the both support its not necessary);
  • Add Efficiency tool into the analysis MT package;

Tagging: @fernando, @thrynova , @mverissi , @damazio , @jmasik , @tbold

Edited by Joao Victor Da Fonseca Pinto

Merge request reports