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add trig e/g monitoring MT packages

These MT packages came from the previously TrigEgamma(Analysis/Matching)Tool in master.


TrigEgammaAnalysisTools (master, 2020/03/10) -> TrigEgammaAnalysisToolsMT TrigEgammaMathingTool (master, 2020/03/10) -> TrigEgammaMatchingToolMT

The TrigEgamma(Analysis/Matching)Tool were replace by the legacy version (Run 2) in 2020/03/11.

PS: These codes were reviewed by the group. I am just rename something to MT suffix.

Tagging: @fernando , @thrynova , @tbold ,@fwinkl

Including the pdf monitoring design and documentation

Edited by Fernando Monticelli

Merge request reports
