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Update BJT and JetUncertaities tools to calculate inefficiency SF

Takuya Nobe requested to merge tnobe/athena:21.2-updateBJT into 21.2


  • The aux decoration of the jet "SF" is changed to be efficiency SF (effSF) for tagged events; and (1 - effSF*efficiency)/(1 - efficiency) for untagged events.
  • Added "efficiency" and "effSF" to the aux variable of the jet in addition to "SF".


  • The tool updates "SF" according to "efficiency" and "effSF".
  • If SF=effSF, the jet is "tagged". So "SF" is just replaced by the systematic variation (SF*Delta).
  • If SF!=effSF, the jet is "untagged". "SF" is updated to (1 - effSF Delta efficiency)/(1 - efficiency).

@adattagu @jveatch @farooque @sschramm @cdelitzs

Edited by Takuya Nobe

Merge request reports
