Removed total noise multipliers. These kept track of the sum of noise in a given algorithm, which is not something we intend to do. Either cut the tower out, or cut the jet/seed out...
jFEX Fwd Electron/Tau:
Added jFEX tau algorithm template
Added jFEX forward electron algorithm template
Added new algorithm for taus and electrons
Implemented Large-R jets with pileup subtraction MR31138
Common seeding for small and Large-R jets (no need to run it multiple times)
Configure p.u. subtracted jets with same towers are MET.
virtualStatusCodeinitialize();//once, before any input is loaded
virtualStatusCodeexecute();//per event
virtualStatusCodefinalize();//once, after all events processed
virtualStatusCodeanalyzeSeedRun2(floateta,floatphi,constxAOD::JGTowerContainer*jTowers,xAOD::EmTauRoIContainer*clustersForTau);// Use a given seed to produce a candidate
virtualStatusCodeanalyzeSeedRun3(floateta,floatphi,constxAOD::JGTowerContainer*jTowers,xAOD::EmTauRoIContainer*clustersForTau);// Use a given seed to produce a candidate
virtualStatusCodeanalyzeSeedEle(floateta,floatphi,constxAOD::JGTowerContainer*jTowers,xAOD::EmTauRoIContainer*clustersForEle);// Use a given seed to produce a candidate