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Changes to add new RegSelTools for the Calorimeter tables

Mark Sutton requested to merge sutt/athena:rs-calo into master

The RegSelectrorHashMap has a large number of changes simply to make the class callable from const methods of classs with RegSelectorHAshMap data members. This is not a full rewriting of the class, so much of the class has been left as it is. At some point we may well want to replace this class completely.

In addition, the new RegSelCaloTool class has been added along with the RegSelTool since the lookup table class is different. Templating the class might have been better, but in the end, all the actual embeded lookup table operations are different, and the class is essentially just a wrapper to these calls. We could have abstracted the lookup table calls, into further lightweight wrappers but that is something that can be left for another day.

There is also a new RegSelCondAlg_LAr class which actually creates the lookup tables. Sadly, this included an unwanted dependence on the pixel cabling to determine the EventIDRange for the conditions data. If there is any Calo Conditions data for the cabling, this could be used, but for the time being we use the pixel cabling. One there is full Calo cabling this dependence will be removed. This is a new class, but essentially contains a cut and paste of the code in LArRegionSelectorTable, with some tidying up of the layout and renaming of some variables. The actual code itself might benefit from being rewritten, but this is beyond the scope of this merge request, which is simply to add the new tools. A full rewrite should be up to the Calo developers.

There are new maker function for the RegSelTools in

Merge request reports
