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Modify the TrigInDetAnalysis comparitor to allow chain remapping

Mark Sutton requested to merge sutt/athena:tida-master into master

In order to allow histograms to be plotted with reference histograms that have different chains and track collection, the ability to remap the histogram names for the referece histograms has been added.

The code in this package does not run inside athena, it produces only standalone executables, which are not run by any athena code, or any of the standard required tests.

The only dependence on any athena code is on the


packages, and no other athena packages. The only dependence on athena for any of those is in the TrigInDetAnalysisUtils and TrigInDetAnalysisExample code, but none of the functions that depend on athena in those are used.

This package can be compiled outside of athena with only these additional three packages checked out.

Edited by Mark Sutton

Merge request reports
