TrigBphysHypo: TrigMultiTrkHypo algorithm is modified to be used as ComboHypo at muComb and muEFCB steps of BLS trigger chains (ATR-20836, ATR-21092, ATR-21112)
- add a possibility to use a arbitrary ComboHypo algorithm;
- TrigMultiTrkComboHypo alg now inherits from ComboHypo, all possible tracks/muons combinations are done inside it;
- at L2 the TrigMultiTrkComboHypo is used as filter: no xAOD::TrigBphys objects created at this step, we just look for the one good pair of the tracks. If this pair is found, then we copy all decisions to the further chain steps. On one hand, we remove redundant amount of vertex fits of variety of ID tracks combinations. On the other hand, the new version seems to have insufficient selection power. Should be discussed in more details with BLS trigger experts;
- remove Step5_efDimu, since we perform BLS selection as a ComboHypo at Step4_2muEFCB;
- behaviour of the bUpsimumu chains is now similar to bJpsimumu;
- B-physics dimuon triggers with asymmetric pT requirements could be added easily with proposed approach; counts them look reasonable;
- as pointed out by @sshaw the configuration of the Step2_2muComb contains a bug (FilterBphysChains).
Edited by Vladimir Lyubushkin