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AnalysisTop: adding UseMVALowPt and Use2stationHighPt options

Luca Martinelli requested to merge lucam/athena:21.2-AnalysisTop_WPoptions into 21.2

Including new Options from last MCP recommendations

  • update for the config files with the new options (and also Iso WP recommended for muons)
  • renamed with "muon" the variables in TopConfig
  • changed option name from "do2stationHighPt" to "MuonDoSmearing2stationHighPt"
  • changed option name from "doExtraSmearing" to "MuonDoExtraSmearing"
  • MuonDoExtraSmearing can be switched ON only for HighPt WP (bug fix)
  • added Use2stationHighPt to turn ON/OFF the reconstruction with 2-station for the HighPt WP (ON is recommended) [for Tight and Loose Muons]
  • added UseMVALowPt to turn ON/OFF an improvement that affects hadron rejection (only LowPt) (OFF is recommended) [for Tight, Loose and Soft Muons]
Edited by Marco Vanadia

Merge request reports
