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ATR-21255, add tilecalib chain

Heather Russell requested to merge hrussell/athena:ATR-21255 into master

Closes ATR-21255

  • add stream calibration_Tile
  • add TilePEB PEB readout option
  • add HLT_tilecalib_laser_TilePEB_L1CALREQ2 trigger to

also: removes some unnecessary printout in the cosmic chains, and fixes a copy-paste error in the logger (it was called 'Beamspot').

ctests successfully pass, ART tests pass, and running only on the PEB chain confirms the desired PEB output. I believe the extra ROB is not in the physics_Main stream, so that was not confirmed. I tried getting a calibration_Tile file to test on but didn't see one obvious to download.

Merge request reports
