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ATR-21283: First implementation of navigation correction for b-jet triggers

Carlo Varni requested to merge cvarni/athena:BjetNavigation into master

Description: Change in the handling of the multiplicity of Decision-Objects in b-jet trigger so that it now follows the following structure:

Filter -> 18 -> InputMaker -> 18 -> HypoAlg -> (<=18) -> Filter ...

Navigation in b-jet trigger has been adapted to this in the following way:

  • for each input decision retrieve the associated input jet. This jet correspond to the object provided by the upstream jet group
  • run over the jet collection the b-jet code is producing. This jet collection is a subset of all the reconstructed jets with an additional eta requirement (<2.9), due to the ID acceptance.
  • check via a geometric (dR requirement) matching, whether the input jet is amidst these selected jets. If so, an output decision is created and linked to the corresponding input decision. If not, no output decision is created and the next input decision is taken into consideration.

Since now there are multiple input decisions with a link to the same event view, a change in the function for retrieving objects from event views has been modified, checking the same event view is not read multiple times.

Tagging @suyogs, @sekula and @tamartin

JIRA: ATR-21283

Edited by Carlo Varni

Merge request reports
