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EventInfo to simulation in UpgradePerformanceFunctions Muon efficiency provider

Eric Schanet requested to merge eschanet/athena:21.2 into 21.2

Setting dummy event info to simulation when UpgradePerformanceFunctions are retrieving muon efficiency from the MuonEfficiencyCorrections.

When not setting this, calling m_reco_MESF->getMCEfficiency(*m_auxMuon, aux_eff, m_dummy_eventInfo) causes the error:

CollectionContainer       ERROR   Could not find any SF period in Central  matching the run number 0

because the call to getRandomRunNumber() in line 266 in MuonEfficiencyScaleFactors.cxx returns the runNumber (that is 0) instead of RandomRunNumber 999999 because it thinks that this is a data event. This causes the call to LoadPeriod() in line 344 in EffiCollection.cxx to return the above error.

Tagging @nielsenj @jsabater @spagan and @cohm (not sure who the contact person is, so feel free to correct).

Edited by Christian Ohm

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