Sweeping !32627 from master to 21.9. Add methods to get data dependencies out of DL2
Add methods to get data dependencies out of DL2
See merge request !32627 (merged)
Merge request reports
added sweep:from master label
added 21.9 Analysis BTagging JetEtmiss review-pending-level-1 labels
CI Result FAILURE (hash 325b5414)Athena externals cmake make required tests optional tests Full details available on this CI monitor view
Athena: number of compilation errors 1, warnings 157
For experts only: Jenkins output [CI-MERGE-REQUEST 43697]Pinging @asalzbur here.
In this case I'll probably just add workarounds for GCC 6.2 (AthDerivation has the same problem in 21.2), but I'm curious about the plan for release 21.9: do we plan to stick with GCC 6.2 for the foreseeable future?
added review-approved review-user-action-required labels and removed review-pending-level-1 label
removed review-approved label
Compilation error!. need to be checked. @dguest thanks. BA (L1)
Hi @dguest - I am confused you fixed this in another MR, hence this one relies on the other one (which?) to merged in first?
I fixed this in another MR which is going into master and should be swept here, see !32693 (merged). I'm going to remove any C++17 additions from the package. The sweep will likely fail since that commit is on top of this one, but we'll see.
Edited by Dan GuestHi Andreas, I asked Attila about the plan for this release on another thread, and it sounds like we're stuck with LCG_88 in 21.9. I was pinging you before to see if that's really the plan.
Hi @dguest, I am pinging this MR to see if there has been any development. Ana M (L1)